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<Jack's POV>

The boy, Jack, hands the phone to the woman. Then he just sinks into a chair, staring at me.

"What?" I ask getting annoyed with his constant stare. He squeezes his eyes shut, as if trying to wake up from a dream.

When he opens his eyes he sits forward, setting his elbows on his knees and propping his head up with his palms. Then he looks to the doctor. "Can I have a minute with him?"

The doctor nods and sets a hand on the old woman's back, pushing her forward, out of the room. The man and woman hold hands as they exit. The woman turns and blows me a kiss. Okay... How do I know her?

Then I turn to look at Jack. He has his head in his hands. I clear my throat. "Uh...they're gone."

He looks up and glances around the room. I don't understand what could be so important that everyone had to leave. Then again, I don't understand anything that's going on.

"Look at me, Jack." He pauses, waiting for a minute. Wait why would he be saying his name. I am so confused. I look in his direction anyway, with a blank look on my face.

He takes a deep breath. "Do you remember me?" he blurts out, looking at me expectantly. No. I don't.

"I--no, uh...Jack." My head's too full of questions to answer a question. I finally ask something. "Why do you talk in third person?"

"Third person...?" he furrows his brow, obviously puzzled. "Oh. Right." Tears gather in his eyes again and he leans back in his chair, stretching his arms out. He brings his arms down and continues, "How do I put this?"

I shrug casually having no clue. He ponders for a second. Jack licks his lips and speaks once again. "You hit your head on the ground in the crash." Crash? I was in a crash? "You and Liz were driving and a semi served into your lane, knocking you off the road."

Jack's face is wet when I look back up to look at him. He rubs his eyes. "You lost your entire memory." I'm taken aback. My whole world spins and dips as a grip the side of the hospital bed.

"And how is this 'Liz'"--I do the finger quotations--"you speak of? Most of all, who is she?" Jack begins to sob. "Hey, man, it's okay. Is she okay?"

"Yeah." his voice comes out as a slight croak. "She just broke her leg." I frown.

"Was I driving?" I would feel so bad if I was the one who crashed the car and broke her leg. Jack pushes his lips together so hard they turn white.

"Yes," he leans forward again, this time propping his head up on his fists. "You were driving." Tears threaten to fall. My cheeks twitch, I have to turn away. "No, no, no, Jack! It wasn't your fault!" He gets up and puts his hand on my shoulder.


<Lizzie's POV>

I woke up in the hospital, my leg wrapped in cream cloth. My mom and dad stood over me.

Now I sit here, waiting, I have no I sea what for but I'm waiting. Maybe I'm waiting for news on Jack.

A doctor rushes in. "Miss Clarke, you can be released today."

"How long was I asleep?"

"3 days. We have no clue how, because you were conscious when the medics found you." He shrugs.

My family comes into the room, my dad pushing a wheel chair.

After taking a few minutes of trying to get me into the chair, I'm finally rolling down the hallway. But we aren't going towards the door. We go down a long hall with many doors, some having loud moaning or screams.

We stop in front of one that says "307" on the door. We enter.

The sight before me startles me. I don't know what I was expecting, exactly, but I know it wasn't this. I guess what I may have expected was Jack, his mother holding his hand, with stitches and a broken bone but...

Don't get me wrong he was really beat up, but I'm not sure I have the words to explain.

He has a few stitches on his left cheek, a red scratch on his chin, a temporary cast on his left arm, and a blotchy red patch on his left temple.

He was on the left side of the car. that's where the truck must've hit.

Johnson has his arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace. (A/n Jack J will be referred to as "Johnson" by Lizzie). As we enter the room he pulls away. He has tears slowly steaming down his face.

"Is that Lizzie?" He whispers to Johnson, just loud enough that I can hear. Johnson nods. Why would he ask that? I'm his girlfriend!

He smiles at me, but I know he's faking. "Johnson, what's going on?" I ask Jack J. He bites the inside of his lip. "What?" I demand.

"I-I-Uh..." he tries.

Jack cuts him off. "I have no clue who you are." Johnson deflates.

I desperately grip the armrests of the wheel chair, holding in all the anger and sadness that pulls at my heart. Then, when I can't take it anymore, I stand.

I wobble, my mom running to catch me. But she was too late. Just like Jack before the crash. But instead of the car crashing, it's me, crashing to the floor.


Hey all you peepsoles! I have no clue what I'm doing! I probably won't update much cause of school but enh.

Oh well.

Remember to...






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