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{Johnson's POV}

I bring my fist into my chest. "I-I-Sam-"

"Get out of my house, Johnson." I hear a voice behind me. I turn and look at Skate. "You heard me, boy, GET OUT!" I push past him and down the hall. I don't even put my shoes on I just pick them up and run out the door.

What did he mean? Talking about me? Ugh, why do people hide things from me? Well, so do I.

That's when I realize, I have to tell Jack about Lizzie. If I don't I'm gonna go insane, I swear it.

When I reach a curb I sit and slip on my beat up vans. I dig in my pocket for my phone to call Jack. Wait. Where's my phone? I must've left it at Jacks house.

If I start walking now I can get there by dark. So, I put my hands in my pockets and set off.

A couple hours later, I check my watch. It's almost 8:00. Rub my eyes. I run a hand through my hair.

I see a dull, flickering light up ahead. I jog to the gas station and take out the few dollars and change I have. $6.17 exactly.

I pull open the ad-covered glass door and see the man. The tall, big, thick bearded man standing behind the counter.

He stares at me while I look around at the snacks. Then, suddenly, he speaks. "You gonna buy something?" He grumbles.

"Uh..." I mumble. Quickly, I grab a bag of Cheesy Combos and a bottle of water and bring it to the counter.

He grunts. "Six dollas."

I pull out the dollar bills and set them down with the items. "Do you have a map?"





"Actually, yes." he pulls out an old phone. One with the dial that you turn to the number to select it. I just stare at the phone for a moment, trying to figure out exactly how this works.

The man turns it around and says, "Jus' tell me da number and I'll do it."

I tell him Jack's number and I hold the phone to my ear.


{Jack's POV}

I feel a buzz in my pocket. I hate to be the one who ends this hug first but I give her one last squeeze And pull away.

She lets go and stares at me while I answer the phone. It's jack. "Hello?"

"Hey, Jack, can you put Liz on the phone?"

I hand the phone to her. "Uh, it's for you."

She looks at me confused but takes the phone anyways.


"Jack? Why are you calling me?"


"Yeah...I guess so."

"Wait, Jack," she says quietly. "Will Jack come too?"

She looks at me. "Jack doesn't want you to come..."


"I don't know. Hold on." she asks Jack why then turns to me and says, "He's embarrassed. Just stay here, okay? I'll be right back."


{Johnson's POV}

The man looks at me. I look at him. "What?"

"Was that your girlyfriend?" He chuckles.

"Uh no. My best friends girlfriend." I answer.

He stares at me and then blinks. "Who do you think you are young man?"

I break down. I grab my change and my snack and run out the door. Tears stream down my face. Who do I think I am? I cheated on my girlfriend. But it was only one kiss! And didn't she kiss back?

I collapse on the dry, dead grass to the side of the gas station.

Then Taylor comes into my mind. He had been the only one to notice I left. At least he was the only one who cared. Not even Nash cared. Or Aaron. Hadn't he had a tear on his cheek when he left? Why would he cry, just because I yelled at him?

"Why is my life so complicated!" I scream into the musty air. I lay down and open my Combos.




Changed Forever (Jack G) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now