Four (Tobias) :)

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(Divergent fans would understand the chapter name.)

<Lizzie's POV>

The floor underneath my face is cold. The whole world moves across my vision in fast flashes of blurry images.

I feel strong hands grip me. The person who holds me smells like sweat and lavender. I know by the smell that it's Johnson, his house has lavender scented candles all over.

He sets my head in his lap, just as I see my dad run out of the room. I don't know why, but I start to cry, my lips quivering. Jack J strokes my hair for a moment, calming me down until my dad trails behind a doctor, entering the room.

The doctor goes straight to Jack, asking him if he could borrow something. Jack nods pointing to a green blanket on the end of the hospital bed.

Johnson lifts me slightly, gripping me almost fiercely, then gently sets me on the green blanket the doctor had laid out.

My mom sets a hand on my forehead, taking her hand away, just as she put it on. My vision is becoming blurrier by the second. my last sight is of Jack J's eyes.

But my last thought was about Jack. How doesn't he remember me? Then it hits me. He hit his head.


+2 days later+

<Jack's POV>

That girl who came to visit me had collapsed on the floor. I'm not sure who she is but she seemed desperate for me to remember her.

I now realize why that woman was crying and had to call "James", whoever that is. She's my Grandmother.

I sit on my couch. The red patch on my forehead itches, but the doctor said not to touch it. They let me out in only 5 days, that doesn't seem very long.

I figured out that it was me who's Jack, and the man and woman are my parents. That boy, also named Jack, visits everyday. I still haven't found the connection between us.

I wonder if he's my brother. I think as the doorbell rings. My mother scurries past me. "I got it sweetie."

I hear the unfamiliar voice of a boy. Then my mom's voice. Then my mom comes into the room, a group of about 8 guys on her heels. One, I notice, is Jack. The others I have no idea who they are. And one holds a guitar.

(A/n in my story Magcon never broke up. Okay? Okay.)

One boy, with bright blue eyes, clears his throat, bringing a fist to hos mouth. "Uh...Jack," he hesitates, glancing at the other Jack. He nods. The bright blue eyed boy continues. "I realize, uh, you don't remember us," he bites his lip. "But, uh, I'm Nash."

He points to another boy with the same eye color as him. "This is my brother, Hayes." Wow, some weird names here. I'll bet the blonde ones name is Gibby.

Then, as if reading my mind, he points to the blonde one. " This is Matthew, you can call him 'Matt'." Oh we'll that's normal, I guess. But I have no clue who he is.

"And this," he claps the boy who is holding the guitar on the shoulder. "Is Shawn. In a minute he's gonna sing a song for ya." he grins in my direction.

"Anyway," he turns, pointing to a taller boy with a bandana on his head. "Uh, this is Taylor," He leans forward, putting his hand to his cheek. "He's the weird one." he whispers loudly. Taylor flicks his head. Nash just laughs.

"Then, there's Carter." he takes a breath. "Well, Carter is-"

The boy I'm guessing is Carter pushes past Nash, so that he stands in front of everyone. "I'm pretty sure I'm the coolest person you've ever met."

Nash pushes him behind him, laughing. "Last, but certainly not least, Aaron Carpenter." he motions toward a boy with swoopy (lol that's not a word) brown hair. Aaron blushes.

"And we're your family." Aaron says with a smile. Family. Such a nice word. and the fact that I get to share that word with these 8 boys.

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