Three- V is Acting Weird

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You woke up on V's shoulder, who by the looks of it was sound asleep. You noticed his arm around you, holding your arm to keep you warm. You blinked and Nico turned around. "Mornin'." She whispered. You nodded in response. V shifted before opening his eyes. "You're awake." V said. You nodded. V looked at you and then realized his arm was around you. He slowly moved it away. "You seemed cold." He said. "I didn't ask you why, but okay." You mumbled. "Nothing happened" V said. "Great." You said. Nico snorted at you two. "You two make a odd couple." Nico said. "We're not--" "I know I know. Shut it." Nico said holding a cigarette. "We're gettin' to that arch in this chapter." She sighed. "What?" V asked.

"Is Nero near by?" Nico asked. "I'm not sure." You mumbled. You stretched your arms and stood up. "Let's go--" "Hold it. Eat. I don't want you two passin' out on me." Nico demanded. "Oh right. Food." You mumbled taking a granola bar out of the cabinet and hand handing it to V. "Same goes for you." You said. V looked at you and the bar as if the food was some mystic foreign object. "...why did you hand this to me?" V asked. "....Because you need food to do this little thing called living." You said. V unwrapped the granola bar and bit into it. Nico lit a cigarette and you sighed. "Nico, friend to all. Please do that elsewhere." You pleaded. She hopped out the van and closed the door leaving you two alone. "So. What's the game plan?" You asked. "It appears there's something blocking the path ahead. We should probably destroy that." V said tossing his wrapper away. You nodded. "Let's kill some demons." You said extending your hand to V. He took it and stood up.

You two walked out of the van and waved away the cigarette smoke and stared at the wall of roots. "Are you ready Y/n?" V asked. You nodded and you two walked to the root.

A large snake like creature roared at you before shooting towards you. Griffon lifted V and you ran out of the way. "You dodged me! Did you dodge me!?" The creature questioned. "Ugh. Nidhogg. I never liked this guy." Griffon groaned on V's arm. "You pest. Do I know you?" It asked. "Dumb as a box of rocks. Let's not even mess with this guy V. He can't even leave the Qliphoth anyway. Just a Qliphoth parasite." Griffon said simply. "Did you insult me!?" Nidhogg growled. "Uh oh." You and Griffon said in unison. "YOU INSULTED ME!" Nidhogg shouted. You summoned two swords and dodged an attack. "I'm going to kill you!" Nidhogg growled. V turned around, cane in hand and had that annoyingly attractive smirk plastered on his face. "Not in this lifetime." V said softly. His voice was music to your ears. "As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish so is contempt to the contemptible." V said pointing his cane at Nidhogg. You readied yourself for battle and V used shadow. You sprinted forward placing the two swords together, melding them to be your spear. You stabbed the odd tentacle like thing. V smirked as you snapped the spear, forming two pistols. "time to open fire on this son of a bitch." You said. You shot the tentacle and Nidhogg lowered, leaving V to stab Nidhogg. V hopped down and his cane appeared back in his hand.

You smiled at him. "Nice job V." You said. "Thank you Y/n. You did exceptionally well too." V replied before a part of the Qliphoth broke off, landing on the debris in front of you. V grabbed your arm and pulled you back so nothing would hurt you causing you to look at him. You noticed how tired already he seemed. A large creature stood in front of you and you gulped. "Holy shit." You mumbled. "Okay, um, all right that's not good at all. That's not good." Griffon huffed. V looked to you before both of you slowly retreated back. "Wait- where- where are you two going!? Are you running away" Griffon asked. "That- That's not a good sign." Giffon said. "I'm afraid that... that's a little more I can take on right now." V said simply. You turned around and saw a vine, like movement open a flower and you tackled V out of the direct line of fire. "RUN!" You yelled as it shot again.

V grabbed your hand and sprinted forward before the ground underneath you collasped. "SERIOUSLY!? AGAIN!?" You shouted. V pulled you close to him, taking most of the impact on the way down. He coughed with you on his chest. "Oh my God I'm so sorry." You said. V chuckled. "It is nothing." He huffed. You got up and extended your hand to him. V took it, standing up. His hand lingered in yours and you looked at him. "Are you alright Y/n?" V asked. You nodded. "I'm fine." You said softly. You dusted the debris off of you as you shoved off your leather jacket revealing a large cut on your arm. V looked at you concerned. "Y/n, come here." V said. You walked over and he traced his fingers over the cut. "This might sting a bit." He warned. He hovered his hand over the cut and you winced. He let go and you turned around. "You healed it?" You asked. "Yes. It's the least I could do." V said softly. You smiled at him. "Thank you." You said softly. "Y/n...I--" "We're alive! We made it!" Griffon said. "It's our lucky day! Let's go find a game of cards." Griffon said. You giggled at Griffon who landed on your shoulder. "Do you just assume that Urizen plays Texas hold em' when he's bored?" You laughed. "Who knows what he does." Griffon joked.

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