Chapter 1: WTF

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Author notes
Okay so let's gets somethings down
(Y/N) your name
Now that we have that down let's continue.

When I open my eyes I'm in different room and it looks like sam witwicky's room and I'm in his bed. This is weird I look down and luckily I'm still a woman... well kinda it looks like I've lost my woman figure and have reverted back to my teenage body. I see my work bag with my Work uniform and badge and wallet with some cash my card and my keys? Wait where are my truck keys? My house keys? My locker keys? I look around and see it's 5 am on the alarm clock so I guess I have time before anyone gets up. I turn on the lamp and saw pictures with my face on them. What? I don't remember any of this! When I see the backpack next to the bed I go through the papers and see my name! (Y/N) this and (Y/N) that and I must say that this is all horrible. sam witwicky wasn't a good student and all of this is easy. What the hell is going here. Where am? I look at the date and my heart dropped.

Me "2-2007? Ah hell naw! I hated 2007, fuck."

???? "(Y/N) are you awake?"

I look at the door with eyes wide open hoping this was a weird trip from eating too much junk food. Please god I hope this isn't who I think it is... no offense Sam (where ever you maybe) but you mom is kinda annoying. She opens the door and has a stern face. For some reason she looks at me as if she knows who I am.

Judy "Young lady! What have I told you about cussing in this house?"

With a weak smile I make a fist in the air.

Me "say it loud and proud?"

God I hope she accepts it.


Me "sorry? But I... STUBBED MY TOE! Yeah thats it! Ooooh the pain~!"

God this is so degrading. I fall to my knees and start to act (rather badly might I add) as if I had stubbed my toe.


Judy comes to my side and start to treat me as if I was a child... well I do look like I'm a teenager but I'm a 21 year old woman inside of my old 15 year old body. Ugh this is so demeaning, come on lady stop this and ask who the hell I am!

Me "hey Judy-"

Judy " Since when do you call me Judy?"

Me "I think you look like Judy garland and have a beautiful voice like her."

I try to save my obvious lie. I smile a wide and innocent smile. In most fanfictions The reader or the girl who was written into these kinds of thing is the twin sister of Sam so here goes a shot.

Me " anyways. Where's Sam?"

Judy "who?"

Me "sam witwicky?"

Judy "now darling you know I hate these weird games"

Me " do I have a brother?"

Judy looks at me dumbfounded. Than concerned. Finally we are getting some where! She starts to come closer and than.

Judy " Did you hit your head in your sleep? You know you an only child right? Or did you have a weird dream again?"

God I hate these poor writing dialog, come on man! Most people don't talk like this. Let me guess you are going to say something about me coming back from Texas different since I have a Texas drawl!

Judy "you know letting you spend a summer in Texas has changed you. You even picked up a drawl."

Bingo. Oh god man this is just writing it's self. Okay so I guess Sam isn't part of this. Damn it would have been nice just to be the sister that shows up a few times and than goes away when the juicy stuff was going on. Wait!

Me " um when do I get to go with R- dad to get a car?"

Judy "well today if you have get an A on you project."

Me "Bet."

Judy " what?"

Me "nothin"

Judy looks at me with a concerned face while I gave her a blanked face. God I hope she doesn't ask me about my sex life cause it's nonexistent and that would make me sad.

Judy "are you having sex? Do I have to talk to you about the birds and bees?"

Me "hehe bee! Nah I ain't getting the D."

Judy gets up and leaves with a heavy blush on her face. What? She wanted to know. Oh well I guess I have time before school starts soooooo I'll just rewrite my paper.


I rewrite the paper and before I know it it's almost time for school so I try to dress like it's 2007 but instead I dress like it's 2019 and let me tell you, I look a lot better than most people here so I guess that a plus. I see Trent walked up to me with a cocky smile. If I remember correctly he's the school bully. So small minded and the teasing is so childish. I'm gonna teach him a lesson.

Trent " witwicky! Since when did you get hot?"

Me "since I fucked your mom Trent. Since I fucked your mom."

I say while walking passed a stunned Trent. I see high school in California is different since I came from Texas. Well I guess I don't even have to try to get a good grade in all honesty I don't even have to try at all since this is just another movie right? Boy was I right! I'm not a genius by no means but this ish is sooo easy! Damn Sam you suck.

Teacher " Miss Witwicky, you're next."

I walk up to the front of the class and gave my report and no surprise I got an A.

Me " cool cool. I got an A and now I get to get a car. HELL YEH BOOOIIII IMA MEET BUMBLE!"

Trent " (Y/N) get over here!"

I walk away towards the parking lot with my middle finger high to the sky for Trent to see. I get into the passenger seat and see Ron Witwicky starring at me with a smirk. I can tell he was proud but tried to look like a parent at the same time. Dads are easy to manipulate watch this.

Ron "young lady."

Me "that boy was being mean to me daddy so I had to show him a non violent response."

Ron " that's my girl. You should have kicked him in the balls"

Me "duly noted"

Ron "did my little girl get an A?"

Me "you already know! Look here!"

I show my paper proudly!

He starts the car and we drive away.

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