Chapter 10: Bestie's Chapter

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Athours Notes:

Hey! Im getting better at these times! Okay so this chapter s a little different then what you are used to but i like it. Changing things up a bit and getting to know your charcters are the best part of a book. Anyways I hope you enjoy it and well if you dont just wait for the next chapter. I have 3-4 chapters already being typed up so for a while you should have a regurally schedual update. I also am starting something completey orginal so look out cause it will be up eventurlly. 


Autobots, Roll out.

Point of view for Bestie

How the fuck do i get into these situations? I was chilling in my living room about to watch Transformers and the next minute i am sucked into the god damn tv and woke up here. What the actual fuck?No im inside a fucking transformer and running from sector 7! i threw out my phone and now I'm trying inside if Optimus prime and I have no makeup, perfume and I feel sweaty. Fuck this couldn't get any worse.

Jazz "we have to meet up out side of a city called Las Vegas."

Well at least I can gamble, I guess not all is going bad. I mean it will be about four hours before we reach our destination but I mean I hate long drive cause I get antsy but it's okay. I get to have a lone time with Optimus. Now how do I start a conversation with the big man himself.

Optimus "Never seen an extraterrestrial before?"

Oh thank god! He talked first!

Me " uh, no. I haven't. Earth is a plant that just a 5-6 decades ago landed on our moon. So we're not that advanced. But some of us believes in aliens. Crazy not too."

Optimus " why would you say that?"

Me " well because this universe is so big you would have to be pretty arrogant to believe that we are all alone. I don't k ow if the early humans had contact but all I know is that we have contact now."

Theres a pause. I don't know if it was a good pause but a pause nonetheless.

Optimus " what do you think about our race?"

Why would he ask that? I mean I could ask him what does he think about humans and I know for damn well he wouldn't answer me truthfully. Does he want me to answer him truthfully? If so wouldn't it be too soon to ask since this is our "first" time meeting and knowing anything about them? I could say that this is an amazing experience. I mean I couldn't possibly put this into words.

Me " I can't say this for all of your race. But I know that if they are anything like your Autobots then I have hope that this universe will win. I know with you in it, we are safe. I just hope that you don't have a bad experience with humans, we are a fragile race when it comes to change."

Its true, I'm not going to lie. we as humans can't handle that we are not the only ones. We are a narcissistic beings. I know that when the day comes humans will want to go on a killing rampage, we are scared of the unknown. Knowing this is a movie I just accepted everything because this isn't my universe and i know what they are and what they want. so knowing that information im not scared. I think they are the most beautiful beings I have ever seen. Their intelligence is something to behold. I have never seen this side of optimus, ive only seen him as the leader, never the inquisitive type.

Me " What do you think of humans?"

I want to know what he thinks of humans. I want to know what he thinks of me. A silence filled the cabin, I know it's hard to think about humans in a good light when you have scanned the entire internet.

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