Chapter 14: Try Me, Bitch!

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Okay since I will be doing something tomorrow so you luckily bitches will have chapter 14 now!


Autobots, Roll Out!


I know what I have to do in sector 7, but I don't like the fact that I have to go in alone. Bravery doesn't always show up when you need it too. I have fought before, and I have lost everything. No one has ever fought harder than me, I will never forsake the Autobots, but why is it that I was given this task? My mind is always on self-preservation, but my heart is trying everything in its power to stop running. This fucking building is in the middle of downtown LA, and I had to spend 45 fucking dollars on this navy suit and 69 dollars on these shoes. I better have a great fucking mug shot, or I'm a fuck, someone, up.

As we drive up to the parking lock next to the building, we set up a shop. I know that the only way for us is for the both of us to come in from different sides of the building. Bestie knows that she has to get all the security guards distracted. I know that she can handle herself, but there is no way that she can take on all of those guys, so the best bet is the distract as many as we can and then just try not to get caught. Our only way out is that we somehow strike up some kind of deal with Simmons. I know that he has no real power, but if we can use him for a little bit, that will be enough for us to get all spark and then Autobots.

Me "Okay, bestie, you know what we have to do, right?"

Bestie "This isn't our first time infiltrating a secured building."

Me "Well, its the first time dealing with a federal building."

Bestie "yeah... first time for everything."

Me "Okay, see you on the other side."

I walk up to the building and flash a fake badge that gets me inside. These stuck up front desk clerks are just overworked pencil pushers that only drink coffee and talk shit about their bosses. They don't really do their job or take things seriously, nor do they actually check to see if you are supposed to be there. If it looks like you have the right badge and walk with the confidence, you can get away with almost anything. Don't get me wrong, I used to work in Offices like these. I bet you they don't even know where or who they actually work for. God, to think that I would have to do this shit. I walk into the elevator when two other agents walk inside and just hit the last number, I'm guessing they know who I am, or at the very least I don't work here. I don't say anything because people in movies get out because they say stupid shit. I look straight forward with steady breathing and head held high so that they can see I ain't scared. That doesn't stop the two agents from staring at me, trying to intimidate me.

I've faced scarier beast at home, so these people don't mean shit. When the doors open, I see a hallway, the two men get out of the elevator and then looked at me and direct me to a room. They open the door and tell me to wait inside. It was a gray room with a metal table and two chairs. GREAT. I take a seat and just wait. I don't open my mouth. I just sit and wait with my back straight and head up, showing that I am not backing down. That I am not going to be bullied by anyone.

The door opens, and a man walks through the door, and he has a folder filled with papers. I looked directly into the man's eyes and saw that he had nothing on me. They say you can see everyone's souls and emotions through the eyes, and I can tell that this soul is a piece of shit. A piece of shit that has nothing on me. I mean, what does he have on me? Sam was just a regular shmuck that didn't do shit all of his life ( all tea all shade).

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