Chapter 15: KNOW WHO WE IS

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OKAY! I know that this was supposed to be out yesterday, but be glad it's out now! I'm working on chapter 16 right now, and I'm in the middle of business, so chill. Anyways I hope you'll like this chapter cause I tried-ish. Jk jk! So like always!!!



There are moments in your life where you are rethinking about what the fuck just happened and HOW THE HELL DID THIS WORK? I mean, there is no way in my universe that any of this would work! This is stupid! I mean, we are in the elevator and just going to get our badges!!! This is some 16 walls shit! And We're breaking free and souring and flying!!! There isn't a wall that we can't break!!! Ughh fuck! This isn't supposed to be happening! It's supposed to be like the movie! BUT WHOOP-DE-FUCKING-DO! IM ALWAYS DOING SHIT THAT IM NOT SUPPOSED TOO BUT NOOOOOO I WANTED TO AVOID KEY CONFLICTS CAUSE MY LADY BONER DOESNT BUMBLEBEE TO GET HURT!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Bestie " You good?"

Me " Just peachy."

I feel like throwing up. I hate enclosed spaces, and not only do I hate elevators, but I also hate escalators... so whoop-de-doo I'm in the one place that I have the most anxiety, and I'm with ALL THESE FUCKING PEOPLE THAT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE THIS THING IS GOING TO STOP!

*elevator stops*


Bestie, "what's wrong with you?"

Me " inner monologue just being a hoe, I'm fine."

The doors open, and I see the blonde and the group of hackers come inside of the elevator. Okay, I know her name is Maddie, and the guy's name is Glen (which, I mean, I now know five glens), but I like calling her the blonde. It's like she has a code name. The two look at a best friend and me, and we smile and wave. If you ask again, yes. When we try to be inconspicuous, we laugh and wave. No, it does not work. Glen and Maddie walk in, and now we are standing next to each other, trying to size each other up. I feel like this is some nerd off? Probably not. Even though we are still in an enclosed space, Simmons started stalking.

Simmons " Look, you both are now recruited *points to me and bestie* but that doesn't mean that you know exactly what is going on."

Bestie and I looked at each other. This was something that we never thought that we would have to sit through. This feels like freshmen orientation, and we are the new fishes. By the way, WE ARE FUCKING TORED OF PEOPLE TREATING US LIKE CHILDREN! I know we look like teenagers, but must I remind you I'm a 22-year-old in this 15-year-old body! GIVE ME SOME RESPECT AND OR CREDIT! Look at Simmons with his smug face. Ooo now I'm like kuzco from emperors groove! Let's see... Simmons have bags underneath these eyes, so that means he's tired, he has some eye boogies... that's nasty. And finally, his breath smells like onions, hey! I'm not judging I'm just saying I can feel his last meal and he had a Chicago dog! Hehe, that's somewhat ironic, ain't it? Finally, the elevator stopped, and the doors opened to reveal a lab that was at least a football field length.

Me "how the hell did you do this under all the buildings above us?"

Simmons, " we are just that awesome."

Okay, that was a pretty good response. Anyways we all stepped out of the elevator and gathered in front of it as the doors closed.

Simmons " But ET's are real."

The group was shocked. I and bestie, on the other hand, wasn't shocked. I can tell you know because; 1, we always knew that we weren't the only ones in the universe; 2, we met the Autobots and 3; WE WERE SUCKED INTO THIS FUCKING UNIVERSE AND WE DONT KNOW HOW TO GO BACK TO OUR HOME! Okay, I know that I'm not going to interact with the group for a while, but it is still nice to see that they are here. Like normal best friends, I and bestie are in our own world just looking around and trying to figure out what they won't notice that they will not miss anymore. Shut up! You know that you would try to take something from this place. Okay, I know that you might be wondering where we are, and for some reason, these people, i.e., sector seven thought it would be a great idea to make their labs underneath this big ass building, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING BIG ASS CITY! God, I would hate to have a job here cause you would have to go through all of this traffic in the morning. THIS IS WHY I LIVED OUTSIDE OF THE CITY!!

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