Chapter 19: Homecoming

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Author notes:

Hello, like I said chapter 19 will be up the next day. I hope you like it.




Its something else when you get to see Optimus send out his signal. When I think about it, this will be our last night here with them. I want to know why is it that this pains me? My heart is aching. But when I stop and look around it beautiful to see everyone happy. It was sad in the movie when jazz died, and now that he is alive, it gives everyone hope, and most of all, it gives me confidence. You know when I remembered my teens, I never had a tense moment in my life; the memories of my teens are something that I would like to forget.
I look at the Autobots cheering and bestie at the side of Optimus. But this is the end. This is the end of it all, bestie and I will have to go home, and we will be back to our ordinary lives. After the events of Mission city, we made it back to Cali and had ourselves a little party. It wasn't anything too big just the Autobots, Bestie and I just talking and dancing around. It was beautiful to say the very lest. I bought illegal fireworks, and of course, it was a night filled with laughs and old stories about the past. Bestie and Optimus went off talking so I didn't bother to follow them, this is her last time seeing him, so I want her to have her moment. It was nice to see the smiles on everyone's faces and to be at peace finally. I look around and start to forget that they were characters in a movie and started to see living beings with feelings and desires. Desires to go back home. I know how they felt. How it's like to be forcefully taken out of your home. Always seeing it and never being able to go back. I am haunting you even in your dreams, so to me, I felt very close to these beings in that sense. I was sitting on the grass, looking at each Autobot talking and sharing what they used to do on Cybertron. I felt so privileged to be in the presence of these creatures. I was happy with what I had done here, proud even. I get up and walk over to Bumblebee.

Me, " Hey."

Bumblebee, "Hey."

Me " I need to talk to you privately. Nothing bad. just something I want to tell you."

Bestie (pov)

Optimus took me to a secluded area; he said he had something to tell me, and I'm nervous. In the moonlight, he looks more regal. His holoform appeared, and I gasped, he is much more handsome right now at this moment. He walked up to me and grabbed my hands and brought them up to his lips and kisses them.

Optimus " you saved my life."

He's staring at me with his beautiful eyes, and It feels like he was reading my very soul.

Me " yes."

Optimus " why?"

Why would he ask this?

Me " because."

Optimus grabbed me and pulled me in.

Optimus " "because" why?"

His eyes and his lips are the only things I can think of. His dark hair with a moonlight halo reflecting off of it was so romantic. He is the man of my dreams. He would be the death of me.

Me " Because of I. I, I love you."

Optimus closed his eyes and spoke again.

Optimus " repeat it."

I swallowed.

Me " I love you. I would save you over and over if I have too."

Optimus opened his eyes. He smiled and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave in. He holds me so tightly it was a little uncomfortable, but I didn't care. When we came apart to breathe, he spoke.

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