meet the scout

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Before we begin a little background story:
You got a message by a woman named miss Pauline. She messaged you because of your great fighting skills and asked you to join a team she created. There where with 9 people and needed a 10th. Your on your way to the place your suppose to meet her

(Your joining the red team and I don't care about the story lines in the comics because els I have to take to much in account and I don't read the comics (not because there bad or anything just because I'm to lazy to let them import to where I live))

Your pov

Aah what a beautiful day. Mmhh this town ain't to big... geuss it will be easier to not get lost here then hehe. I grabbed my backpack and take some gum from it. I also take the letter I got from miss Pauline.

I take a look around I was trying to find the place we where suppose to meet. After that she would take me to the base. You finally found the little coffee shop she wanted to meet you.

"Aah you must be y/n? Nice to meet you im miss Pauline" she said as she saw you walk inside the shop. And went up to you to shake your hand. You shook her hand "yes that would be me alright nice to meet you." She lead you to the table she was sitting at. " you must be-" as she was about to explain you about the job you will be getting at Mann co.a guy walked in holding another guy who looked around your age. He got dragged by his shirt. (Im not gonna do accents im sorry i could try if you guys want me to) "Sorry to pop in unannounced. But scout here almost got himself and moi... uhm miss Pauline who is the madame ici?" The man in a mask asked. I geuss the boy he was holding is named scout? Weird name but okay? "Guys I am busy at the moment. And the answer to your question is y/n she is gonna work for Mann co. But if you excuse me, I would like to continue explaining y/n here what she is gonna do." She stood up and wanted to leave with me when the boy stood up and runner upfront of us. Wow he was fast. And now that I get a better look of him.. He is acaully quite handsome.. *light blush* wait! Stop this you don't even know him and he is gonna be your colleague that's no way to start off! "Wait miss Pauline! And huh y/n right? Heh pretty name *wink* . Uuhhm wait what did I wanna say? Oh right! When will she join us and the team?" He asked her. Miss Pauline rolled her eyes and looked at you judging how far you are now in skill. "Mmhh I would say next month she still needs to go through some test and we need to get her stuff ready and she must learn how to use her weapons." She said. Scout nodded and you left the store with miss Pauline but as you walked you couldn't help but feel that somebody was looking at you. You quickly turned your head and saw scout was looking at you. You winked at him and waved. Which made him blush and quickly turn his head as the other man hit him upside the head and scolded him.

Hey hope you like this! Like a little star/vote if you did and I will see you next time in meet the soldier! ^-^

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