meet the heavy

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Story plot

Your new to town. You have been unpacking your stuff all day.  Its was around noon you stoped to go to the sandwich store you saw on your way to your house.

*your pov*

Uurrg I am getting hungry from all this work. Mmhh well I don't really have time for making a whole lunch.  Maybe I can go to that sandwich store I saw earlier. Its not to far from my house I can walk to there.

*time skip to the sandwich store*

I entered the store and there was a lady behind the counter. "Welcome miss how can I help you?" She said with a sweet smile. I smiled back and gave her my order. "Okay that will be 4.95 and you can take a place anywhere you like miss." She told me I nodded and went to sit by a table next to the big windows. The longer I stayed to enjoy my sandwich to more people came. This store seemed to have a reputation. Cause the store was filling up. Eventually even a very big guy came in. The woman behind the counter seemed to enjoy he was here. Must be a regular customer then. After a while I was almost done when a guy came walking to me he was very young and by the looks of it annoying  "Excuse me can I help you?" I asked him. "Yess i am looking for a hot babe to impress but seems like you already found me." He said as he winked. Was this guy flirting with me?? "Umm s-sorry not interested." I turned my head so was looking outside again. "Aaww come on babe. You plus me means a very good time~" uurrrg now he was just being creepy. "No thanks in good." I told him and gave him an angry look. The guy pulled me out my chair and kept me close at this point I was struggling and the whole store was looking at us . "Now your gonna be a good girl and your coming with me" he whispers in my ear. But before I could even respond the big guy that walked in earlier had stood up and walked up to us. " you luttle man.. pretty lady said no. Luttle baby man should listen to her." He told him. I blushed did he just call me pretty?! This day is just getting waited and waited. " No this girly over here is my girlfriend I can do what I want with her." EXCUSE ME WHAT?!. "Luttle baby man is lying. Pretty lady is not baby's man girlfriend everybody knows. Now let her go. Or I promise you pain without end." The  big guys put his hand in a fist and put it close to the guy. He quickly let go and runned away. People started cheering and the big guy took me outside . "Thanks for what you did back their. I could of handeld it though. But still thank you" I gave him a sweet smile. He gave a smile back "its no problem little girl. My name is heavy." He told me and put his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand and shook it " the names is y/n Nice to meet you I hope to see you around more." He nodded in agreement and I left to go back home

Hope you enjoyed if you did leave a star like you the stars you are and next time we will have meet the demoman♡

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