meet the pyro

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*Story plot*
You had a meeting at a base you where suppose to go, but before you went you had to get food for your little puppy.
So you went to the pet store to get some.

Your pov

I just entered the pet shop. I wanted to get some new dog food for my little pup at home. Oh they are are just the sweetest doggo ever! Haha awww I need so much stuff for them to feel comfortable at their new home soon.

I looked around and saw a weird man standing near the little bunnies. He wore a gasmask and a suit that covers his whole body. He seems to giggle at the bunnies. Aaww cute he reminds me of a little child. I giggled at that he heard me I think cause he turned around and looked at me. I slightly blush at that he found me giggling at him and gave an awkward wave. He waved back and made an happy noise. I giggled again and walked towards the dog food and grabbed a bag and walked to the register lady. "Hello miss is this all you will need?" I nodded "yes that will be all but I do got a question. If you don't mind me asking of course." She nodded as to tell me to continue. "do you have any idea who that person is? I'm new to town and I'm  kinda confused "oh welcome then. That guy over there is pyro. At leased thats what their buddies say to pick him up. He usually just comes to look and pet the animals. He doesn't bother them to much and he doesn't come to often so it's fine by me. Acaully get some company you know?" The shopkeeper told me. I nodded and smiled. I payed for the food and went to the pyro guy "hey I'm y/n. I see your a fan of animals?" I asked them. They nodded and went to overly giddy shake my hand. Then they pointed to them self and tried to speak, but all I could hear where some muffled noises. I just smiled and nodded. Before we could talk more though a guy in a hard helmet en overalls came walking in. As soon as he saw me and pyro he came walking over. " hey there partner we are not disturbing this lovely lady right?" He asked as he looked at me if to see if something was wrong. Pyro nodded a no and just gave the man a high five and then pointed to me as if to introduce me.(I will try accents but I'm not the best please don't be to hard on me) "So ah see you made a  new friend? What would your name be missy?" He asked me. I giggled which made pyro giggle in respond which only led to making me smile a big smile. " my name would be y/n I just met your friend here. He tried to tell me his name but I couldn't quite understand him because of the mask."  I told the man. He smiled a gentle smile and said " haha well I'm engineer and this here is pyro. Your not the first who can't understand him it's fine. Ah can understand him pretty well so ah help translate sometimes. But we need to leave now. Pyro say bye to the lovely miss. " he told him. Pyro waved and hugged me as he left with his friend engineer. I smiled at the two and waved them goodbye. I hope I get to see them more.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed. Next up is heavy. See ya then stay lovely guys ♡

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