meet the demoman

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Story plot

You just moved to a new town. You got a job here. You started tommorow. So today you just took your time unpacking. When you where done it was around evening time. So you decided you could go to the bar and grab a drink.

Your pov

Uurrg there that was the last box. That sure where a lot I don't remember half of these thing I packed. Hahaha maybe I should drink a little less..... NAAAHHHH haha okay. Cause this is done I think I deserve a drink hehe. I grabbed my coat cause it was a little chilly and my keys. I started driving around town. Maybe I can find like a little bar around here.  After about 10 minutes I finally found one. As I stept out of the car a man walked out of the bar. He was clearly drunk out of his mind. As he walked past you you heard him mutters some stuff. He spoke with a heavy accent. And soon after that he collapsed . I reacted fast and caught the man. "Wow sir are you alright?" I asked him. He looked up at me "aye thanks lassy. The names demoman but you can call me demo." He said with little slurs but I could make out what he was saying. I smiled "my name is y/n do you maybe need a ride home? I don't think you will make it far like this."(WARNING NEVER DO THIS IN REAL LIFE UNLESS YOU KNOW THE PERSON) "AYE thanks lassy I don't think I will make it far either. And I also don't think my mates are gonna come for me tonight it's really late. I think at least.." He had to giggle after that I giggled with him and guided him to my car. Welp so far for that drink. As he stept into my car with some help of him not falling out of it again I walked to my side behind the wheel. "So demo where do you live? Is it in town here or?" I asked him he seemed to think for a bit.  "Well lassy I geuss I have to tell you if you wanna bring me home  but you can never tell anybody okay? It's very secret." He told me. Mmhh alright then? " Okay I promise." He smiled when he heard that " good you know that big old warehouse outside the city? Just drive there for now." He told me  warehouse wasn't that the warehouse where I was suppose to meet that lady tomorrow? I did as I was told and drove their. In the meantime of us driving I turned on the radio and I started humming the songs I knew that came on. While demo acaully started singing them  loud and clear. Which was really amusing to watch. As We arrived there where 3 other man waiting there. One with a mask one with sunglasses and a brown hat? And one with a helmet. Uuhhm what did I get myself into? Oh! And there was a lady. She was wearing purple....wait a second...IS THAT MY NEW BOSS?!?!? Is this man my colleague?! Well then... I stept out of the car and helped demo also out of the car. When the people saw demo the rushed over to me. And before I knew it I had a knife near my trout and a shotgun against my head.  Okay...relax... You can do this.. "Uuhhm I geuss he belongs to you guys? He was drunk and I gave him a ride home..." I said I tried to hide the fear in my voice what didn't really work because you could still hear it a little. The lady came walking over "guys weapons down is that y/n?" She asked. "M-miss pauling?" I asked just to be sure. "GUYS WEAPONS DOWN NOW. She is not a treat...well unless you get her mad ... n-nevermind. This is y/n she is gonna work with you guys" the man lowered their weapons and quickly apologised. We talked for a bit and I gave a few glances at demo and he at me.. I'm glad I got to meet this man and I'm also glad I'm gonna work with him.. This was gonna be interesting

Hope you guys enjoyed if you did leave a star like the stars you are. And next time will be the engineer. See ya next time♡

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