meet the medic

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Story plot

You moved to a new town. You just got done unpacking when you decided that you should go for a walk. You where a little stressed from what has happend the last week. You got a new job moved towns got a new job. You got a job as nurse at some place where mercenaries lived. They already had a doctor but sometimes he got to stressed. So your job was to help him or take over when he couldn't do it. And take care of him. Seeing he got to worked up at his job.

Your pov

It was a nice day to go out for a walk. Luckily there was a park nearby. Aah such a nice day clear blue skies... Green grass...and a not a lot of people in the park.. just perfect..  you took a deep breath of the lovely air around you and closed your eyes as you kept walking. Soon you heard a scream. "PLEAS SOMEBODY HELP!" There was a lady with a little girl who was crying  a bike beside the little girl and a bike in the woman's hands. I looked like the little kid fell of the bike and broke their leg! I runned to the pair as more people did too.  " what happened?" I asked the woman."my daughter got her leg stuck on her bike and fell.. and now she can't stand any more..." she told me and quickly went into nurse mode. I didn't have any equipment with me. "Okay I want you to calm down alright miss. Also can somebody call an ambulance! I can't fix the kid up without my tools!" Some man in the crowd quickly reacted and started calling while I worked on the kid. "Hey their little one...  sshh ssh it's okay.. okay listen to me yes? You have to work with me here and everything will be fine this is gonna hurt a little okay?" The kid nodded and grabbed a bag that was laying on the ground while I grabbed the kids leg and started placing it back how it should. The kid was crying.. I don't blame them it must of really hurt.. and they are so small.. aah my heart!! "There there all done aren't you a brave little girl!" I told them to calm down a little as I was trying to keep the child away and calm the ambulance came and took the kid and mother away while thanking me. When they left people started cheering for me which left me with a little blush. The man from earlier that called the ambulance came to me. "Wow frauline that was wunderbare! Are you a nurse?" He asked me he had a German accent and It was kinda hot... aah bad y/n!! No time for that. I giggled " yes I'm. I just moved here for my new job! I am starting  tommorow morning. My name is y/n  what would your be?" I asked him. "Ahh I see. My name is Dr. Ludwig. But mine freunde call me medic." He told me with a small smile. I shook his hand. "Well mister ludwig I geuss I will be seeing you around then?" I told him. He nodded. "I hope so frauline you seem like a nice lady~" he gave me a sweet smile. But for some reason I felt more behind that. I tried to ignore it and walked away waving at him.. mmhh he sure is interesting... very interesting

Hey guys hope you enjoyed if you did leave a star like the ones you are! Next time meet the sniper! Hope you enjoyed and see you next time ^-^♡

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