your first day! scout

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Today was your first day at the job. You passed all the test and the class you got was the trapster. You are very fast and you have all kinds of traps you can put down. From beartraps to smokeboms. You where excited to begin your first day! But first your gonna have to meet the crew!

Your pov

I'm so excited today is my first real day! Miss Pauline is so nice to me. So is also very mature..mmhh maybe a bit to mature for me but still nice! I was on the back of her scooter. I was wearing my costume. It had a hood to cover the uper part of my face. A tank top that showed a little of my belly/4-pack. In the collour red with a belt that held smoke bombs. (Like soldier has but instead grenades smokebombs)  some back shorts. With a little backpack that holds my traps. And some black with red laces shoes. On my shoulder and on my shoes is my icon. I have as weapons a shotgun. Secondary is bomb by choice and melee is trap by choice. So I'm kinda a defence class. Anyway me and miss Pauline enters the base and when we got their there where 9 man? Or 8? One was fully covered so hard to say. Lets say 9. "Gentleman meet y/n she will be your 10th class. She will be known as the trapster. And she is a defence class. You will see how she works tommorow. Don't try to mess with her stuff she is very dangerous. *cue evil grin from reader* any way I trust you guys to make her feel at home and properly introduce yourself. That will be all. Y/n take care let me know if I can do anything for you." And with that miss Pauline left again. Okay thanks.. the first person to walk up to me was the one wearing a helmet that covers half his face. "welcome maggot! Normally I would scream but seeing we are not in battle and I'm not mad yet, that will not be the case! So don't get use to this! My name soldier." I nodded he started pointing to each person in the room one by one saying there class name. "That there is pyro the only one who can really understand him is engineer, pyro is a offence class and his main weapon is the flamethrower. This here is scout." "Hey girly nice to see ya again!" I smiled. "Nice to see you to again scout." "Good you know him lets move one" and one by one he went on and named the rest. "So since you know scout and apparently spy already I will send scout with you to show you your room and help you around the base. Tommorow at 6 am we will start training so don't be late or punishment will be followed!! " with that the rest left. They are all very interesting toghter and apart mmhh. I followed scout trough the base. He showed me everything and we ended at my room. "So girly this your room. Hope you like your stay here! And huh sorry for the way we met at the cafè."he gave a short chuckel after that. I took my good off and smiled at him. "Hey it's alright I can be a big doof myself sometimes so I know how it feels." I giggled and for a second I thoughed I saw him blush. But I shook it off. "I'm glad you understand and if you need anything just call for me. I'm a pretty big deal you know?" He flexed his 'bicep' and grined at me. I giggled at his effort." Sure thing hot stuff but for now I'm gonna unpack I will see you at dinner bye scout." I said as I walked into my room and closed the door. Haha he really is something isn't he?
I started unpacking all my stuff and diner time came very soon. I was almost done with my room and called pretty tired. Huh I can't wait for tommorow.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed if you did leave a star like the ones you are. Next up will be your first day soldier edition. And leave a comment if you have a request bye guys take care♡

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