meet the spy

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Story plot
You where on your last vacation before you would fly to New Mexico for your new job. Right now though you where in France. Paris acaully you found it a beautifull city.

Your pov
Paris is beautifull.  Blue skies no clouds to be seen. And best of all is the perfect weather. Not to cold or to hit just perfect... I was heaving a picknick close to the Eiffel tower. It was around lunch time so I though a snack wouldn't hurt. Many people came and said hi to me and left me to my lunch again. But then. "Excuse-moi? Parle vous francais?" A man asked me he wore a suit. Fancy~ ( he doesnt wear the mask and he also doesnt wear the suit he wears in the game just an nirmal suit)"Non l'anglias(hope I wrote that right) s.v.p"
The man nodded. "A tourist I asume? I haven't seen you before. And I know all of Paris." He said. I nodded "yes acaully it is my first time being here. I have never been to France before and really wanted to see it. Seeing it as the city of love. I just had to." I said with a smile. The man's face went serrieus."are you married miss? Or are you here with your loved one?" The man asked looking around. I giggled "haha if only but no I'm alone." I gave him a sweet smile. "Then would you mind me joining you? And maybe I can show you the best places here in Paris?" He said with a handsome smile and a wink. How could I turn that offer down? A handsome man asking me if he can show me around Paris! "That sounds like a good idea! But before you join me. May I know you name?" I asked him. "Oh right I forget to tell you moi nom. My friends call me spy. That is all you need to know for now." I nodded. "Alright then mister mysterious *giggel* my name is y/n." He nodded. We lunch for a bit and started taking some more as we walked trough Paris. "Hwi long are you staying here madame?" He asked me. "I leave in 2 days I have to go away for my new job. I'm kinda sad seeing I just met you. Your a real pleasure to be around." I have him a sweet smile. He smiled back. "Moi aussi. Where will you be going?"  He asked. "New Mexico it's a far trip from here. But it's worth it. I am really excited for my new job as mercanarie." As I told him be looked a bit chucked but quickly hid it. I fought it though. "Mmhh interesting job for a madame oui? Mais if that's what you really want you must do it.."

*2 days past and you and spy spend them toghter walking trough parks, around the Eiffel tower and going lunching toghter you had an amazing time the day you left he gave you his number so you could text and call. To stay in touch. He also gave you a neckles with a ruby heart
Somthing told you this wasn't the last time you would see him. But you don't know why..*

Hey I hoped you enjoyed if you did leave a star like the stars you are and next up will be your first day as mercenaries starting again with the scout. Or! You guys must have a special request for inbetween I can make that also along there are not to many because if and I will start another book with just oneshots. Anyway bye bye love you guys♡

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