your first day pyro

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After unpacking everything. Getting everything ready to go. You went on you way to the base your gonna work.
When arrived you where greeted by your boss miss Pauline. She showed you around and showed you your room. (Your house is for only in the weekends) you put you badly on you bed and put you work outfits and cleaning stuff in the bathroom. After you where done miss Pauline gathered everybody in the main hall. "Man this is your new team mom." (You basicly there to keep the guys in check and clean around the base and on weekend you don't have to work) "now you best behave yourself around her or els she will contact me." She gave the them a glare. I looked over at the men and saw 2 familiar faces. "MMH HMH!" 'It's her!' Pyro runned over and hugged you. You where a little surprised but hugged back. And gave a little giggle. "Nice too see you again also buddy"

After meeting everybody els you started cleaning around the base while the men went of for their mission.
Soon you finished cleaning the while base and the men came back. Coverd in mud,sand and blood.... "Wait! Don't you guys dare move an inch!" You said the men froze in place and looked at you confused. "I just cleaned the WHOLE base. I don't many any muddy footprints or anything you understand?!" The nodded except for soldier. "IM AMERICAN! I CAN DI WHAT I WANT!" He said. You walked over to them and grabbed him by his ear and pulled him down to your height. (I dont care if your tall In this story you small) "Ah atrg! Let go!" He said. " only if you listen~!" "NEVER!" Meanwhile the rest pulled off there shoes and carefully put them away not to mess with you. After a 10 minute discussion with soldier you put him in the corner and told him he can come out when he learned his lesson. For the rest you cleaned some more little thing and cooked while pyro followed you and helped you... well in his own way of course. Let's just say you had to put out a few little fires

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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