meet the engineer

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Story plot

You moved to a new town. You got offers a new job as mercenary. But you still had to do some test. You are not super smart but you can learn new things very quickly. So that was a bonus. Now remembering those new things is an other thing. You however thoughed you should go shopping for some food or something to pass the time between now and the job test.

Your pov

I enters the shop it was nice and not to crowded good. Not that I hate being around many people. I love being around people I grew up in the city so not really a problem for me. Though I also like it when there are not to many people from time to time. I started walking around the store grabbing some things that I will need for the next few days. Seeing if i get the job i will only be at home on free days (ceasefire). So not to much. I was looking at some candy when i bumbed into somebody. "Ooff..uurrg Sorry there-" i was cut off mid sentence when i saw a small man just as small as me. (Yes your small deal with it XD) he wore a hardhat like construction workers and goggles over his eyes. He also wore some overalls with a red blouse under them and some brown shoes. "its okay missy ya okay?" He asked me. I shook my head to get my Though in order but he just looked so cute!! *cough* "hey yeah sorry for that though really my fault I wasn't looking where I was going. My name is y/n. Nice to meet you." I told him. "The name is dell. Nice to meet ya to. And it's okay ah am also known for getting to far in though and bumbing into people. " he gave a small laugh and I giggled too. "ENGIE!!! ENGIE WHERE ARE YOU MAGGOT?!" I heard a man yell 2 rows away from us. " Uuhhm ah racken ah should get going seems like mah friend is looking for me." He said but before he could leave to go find his friend a man runned down our row. He wore a helmet and a uniform that reminded me kinda of a soldier. His helmet is to big for his head however and covers half of his face. and when he saw Dell he came up to him. "ENGIE HERE YOU ARE I-....who this lady?" The man asked he was a lot taller the us two.... Now I feel small again. Before Dell could answer he picked me up! "AH- EY PUT ME DOWN!" I told him . What is happening?!?!. "SOLDIER DAG NABBIT PUT HER DOWN! That's not how you treat a lady!" Dell told him. He quickly put me down."heh sorry there missy but you where just so small! you made me think of my pet raccoon! He ha-" before the man was finished put Dell an hand over his mouth. " Well ah racked me and mah friend here should leave. But ah would love to ya soon again missy. Maybe ah will see ya around sometime." he said as he pushed the taller man away from me and tried to wave while also keeping the man's mouth shut. Hahah they sure are a weird pair. Now that I think about it I might need to hurry to don't wanna be late for that job!

*time skip*

As I was leaving the store I heard something "BYE LADY THAT I DONT KNOW THE NAME OF BUT IS FRIEND WITH MAGGOT ENGIE!!!!" I turned around when I heard this and tried not to laugh to see Dell pushing the soldier man to a car. Hahaha okay today was a good day.

Okay I know this one is probably bad and I'm sorry for that. I wrote this at 01.35 in the morning so yeah... I still how you enjoyed the though and if you did leave a star like the ones you are and next time we will have meet the medic see ya next time guys♡

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