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We decide on getting weapons first then going to gather more supplies as I only have enough for one person. We drive off to the nearest patrol station and while I fill the car Hannah and the girl who still hasn't uttered a word head off into the shop to look for food.
I hear a thud from inside the shop, I run inside and find a vampire lying on the cold ceramic tiles with a knife in its temple, I stare in shock and just as I'm about to ask "my mom taught me knife throwing" Hannah says. I scan for expression in her face but... nothing. "I wonder how you do it" I remarked.
"Oh that? It's easy Bobby. It's all in the wrist" she says.

"No, I'm talking about how you show no emotion after technically murdering someone"I finish
"They took all emotion when they killed my family" then she trails off with the little girl

I'm left standing in the shop while they finish off filling the car, I stay and look for anything useful. And to my surprise I find a gun...I pick it up and grasp it's metal frame in my hand, I never in my life though that I would actually use this. But desperate times call for desperate measures. I press the button removing the clip to find four bullets loaded. "At least it's something" I mutter as I trail out.

"Hey Rose, can you use this?" I say holding the gun in the air. "Get that thing out of my sights" Hannah groans and jumps into the passenger seat. "what? Are you waiting for your friends to come suck your brain?" Hannah laughs sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and reply "Vamps and Werewolves don't suck brains but I heard they like Roses" I smile frantically

On our drive out of Durban I suggest we pass by Jo'burg in search for survivers and weapons, "I never been"Hannah says while adjusting her glasses, we soon reach the city of gold with buildings towering over the car as if trying to touch the clouds. we park in front of the dark alley where the gun shop entrance is located, I cut the engine and I latch on the metal gun shakily, Hannah jumps off and hints at me to follow her. The other girl stays in the car to keep an eye out, we enter the shop and Hannah is knocked off her feet by what seemed like a being with pale ashy skin, it's mouth watering as it aims for Hannah's exposed neck, she shrieks. And I pull the trigger, everything slowed down....and the last thing I remember was getting on my knees crying and Hannah stood up and said "chill Bobby I'm alive" with a smile on her face. "It's not that, I killed someone Hannah". Then suddenly...and eerie silence fills the atmosphere and Hannah latches onto sinisterly curved knives she found on the shelf. We hear a thud and a scream from outside. We rush towards the car and the girl... she is Still alive but shocked, she pointed out to a vampire that had a knife tip sticking through its eye.

"Hey, I'm sorry was that your friend?" A voice exclaims from behind us. I turned around and I knew that face..."JESS!!" I cried out "BOB THE BUILDER!!!" she said as she ran into my embrace.

"Urm guys, I hate to burst your bubble but we have a herd of Vampires running towards us. And I don't think they want a hug"Hannah points out at the vampires running towards us

We hop into the car and it doesn't start, "Shit!!!" We all say in sync.

"Well if I'm going to die, I'd rather die fighting" Hannah says as she adjusts the glasses shielding her hazel brown eyes and stiffening the curly bun on her hair...

"I think I'm with the other girl" Jess says. And we all jump out wielding our weapons ready for a fight. To our amazement. They stop, just frozen and all looking at the sky.

"Okey?"Jess says in confusion.
"Sunlight"Hannah says. "Yeah I think we caught on Einstein" I say sarcastically.

"I think we shouldn't wait to see what happens next"Jess suggests with her ocean blue eyes reflecting the morning sunlight as her blond hair weaves with the cold air. Then the lights come back on. "Finally,we have power again" Hannah shouts excitedly. "I think we can all see that captain obvious" I smile at her then she gives me a grin topped up with rolling hazel eyes, we all walk down the empty Street filled with debris and news paper blown everywhere, "what happened here?" Hannah asks,"well...a plane from Cape town landed, and that's when they emerged, hundreds of them...we weren't quick enough. No one expected it to happen, it happened just too fast, I hid inside the the cupboards inside McDonald's" and we all burst into laughter at the thought of it.

"Talking about McDonald's. There's one just up the road and I'm furnished"I say and they all nod in agreement.

We all cook up something to eat and we dish up for all of us. After a while. The small girl finally says something..."I needed that" she sighs and we all look at her in astonishment.
Jess looks at us weirdly "are you guys not used to seeing a child talk?" She giggles "No it's just that she hasn't said anything since I first met her and....." I interrupt the conversation" yah we can catch up later, I think we really need to go get a new car and put our stuff in it.
"I think we need to get a bigger car just in case we encounter anymore survivers"Hannah adds. "Good idea" we all say in sync.

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