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Darkness soon controls the sky, with nothing but the fool moon and our headlights to illuminate our road, the sound of the diesel engine beneath us attracting attention from all corners, light reflective eyes appeared every time when we passed by, we soon realised we are being watch, vampires were on every corner, mostly in groups but once or twice in pairs. Unlike werewolves they didn't hunt in packs, they were more to the human side, only hunting with a few at a time, to ensure they got a taste of blood.

What we did not notice was that we were being followed, i never really checked the rear mirrors as it wasn't like we had traffic, just the occasional swerving abandoned cars.

Everyone in the car was asleep except for me and Jake who were trying to locate our safe haven
We drove for about 5 hours straight, only stopping for the occasional fill of gas.

Behind us were dozens of pairs of glowing yellow eyes, trying to catch up with the cars, at a speed of 180km/h I was amazed about how fast they were, but also scared for our lives. In the silence of the car, i could hear my heart pounding against my rib cage, as if every split second grenades exploded within, Jake at the back seat trying to keep his eyes on the map, not aware of what was going on, and i didn't want him to worry about it cause he was going to lose focus and this oak place were looking for might be our only hope right now.

A thud from the drivers side pushes the car to its left and i firmly twist the cars wheel to its right trying to fight the laws of physics.
But its no use, the car spirals out of control and comes to a hurdling stop as we crash into a tree.

My head hits the steering wheel and a river of blood forms from my forehead. Hannah screams holding her leg in pain and so does Jake holding his arm...Kaitlin seems to be the only one that wasn't hurt thanks to her seatbelt, which non of us found the need to use.

The car refuses to start and all i could do was sound the horn in attempts to scare them off, we all remain trapped and fearing for our lives as tears and cries of pain and suffering fill the car..which seemed to attract more vampires.

They soon surround the car and we all shut our eyes as tight as we could, preparing for the worst when a loud horn sounds and lights come on. For a slit second i thought i was already dead, everything was so bright, we were left temporarily blind and screeches of pain and smells of burning of flesh came from outside.

The Vampires fled and human voices approached the car, a sigh of relief left everyone's mouths.

The unknown voices got us out and a familiar voice spoke to us.

"you three are sure lucky we saw your headlights from the watchtower."

"wait...what do you mean three" Hannah groans in pain. All of us barely conscious with all the blood lost

Then second voice jumps in "yeah the three of you" he says with a hint of confusion in his voice

I look around in pain from the impact and cough out all the smoke i inhaled as  the car crashed. I loom around and everyone is here but Kaitlin, i look over to the side and see the smashed window with blood trails leading into the woods.

"no!!, not Kaitlin!" Hannah shrieks and tries to battle her way to the wood, exhausted she drops unconscious.

A lone tear roles down the side of my face as i  lay on the road, barely able to keep my eyes open.

The other survivers carry us to the car, i fail to keep my eyes open and the voices of the other survivers and the sobs of Jake slowly muffle as i lose consciousness.

The end.

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