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We head towards the location that was given by the survivors, all of us still wondering what we might find there, mostly excitement filled our voices knowing we weren't the only ones alive, it was a happy moment. But short lived.

We arrived at the location. It looks like an old military base.
We banged on the old steel gate with barb wire on the top stretching all around the perimeter.

We decide to open it ourselves not knowing what was behind it. "maybe they are stuck inside, that's why they couldn't go gather supplies?" Jake says, trying to reassure all of us

"maybe so. But something just doesn't add up"Hannah groans beneath her breath and we are all thinking the same thing

There seems to be no human presence at all here.

"maybe they are all inside the base?" Kaitlin's tiny voice whispers.

We try everything but it just wouldn't budge.

I head for the car and inside my bag I reach out for my phone, and start scanning again for any radio signal, and there it is. 
Exactly the same thing repeats
...almost as was recorded.
And then it hits me.

It was all a trap.

I  shout at everyone to get back, it was all a trap.
They all run towards the car, everyone but Kaitlin who was grabbed by an arm from a hole under the gate, i throw Hannah her scythe and she slices through the arm, the wrist remains attached to Kaitlin's ankle and she lets out a screech of pain, she kicks and fights the many arms grabbing her and Hannah relentlessly pushes on, slicing each one until Kaitlin is finally free.

Just as we thought we were home free, one jumps from above, not minding the barbed wire cuts, fuelled by adrenalin i throw the rest knives and it took all of us to take down this one werewolf, we distracted it until Hannah was able to get a clear shot of the neck and the head went rolling down. Its blood sprayed all over us as its head disconnected from its neck  and my stomach turned in disgust and i couldn't hold anything in anymore, i vomit as we all run towards the car, our hearts hammering within like a bird attempting to escape a steel cage as we drove off. Not wanting to wait until the werewolves inside actually manage to open the gate.

We take the opposite direction we came from, not risking them knowing where we are going we couldn't head back, it was too risky.

Right as we exit the gravel trail and make an exit to the tar road a lone werewolf stands across the T junction along the forest tree lines, as we get closer and closer, our hearts begin beating faster, the silence grew stronger and fear embraced us making its way from our toes to the very tip of our hair strands, he was bigger then the rest...bigger then any we have seen.

He stood there with bloodshot red eyes, watching us leave, just as we made our left turn into the tar road, its emotionless expression turned into a chilling sinister smile, and what happened next was not expected, as the distance between us grew further and further, he stepped into the middle of the road and waved at us goodbye, still wearing that evil smile that exposed his dagger like teeth which were a deep yellow colour with the tips coated in deep red blood.

There after disappearing towards the tree lines. 

The haunting image stayed with us for a long time before we were able to shake it off and talk, tears running on our ashen cheeks and living tracks behind, evidence that they were once there.

The image stayed at the back of our heads, a year ago, they were just motivated bye hunger, now its something deeper, its like they want to torture us, make us fear the day lights out of them before actually killing us. Its one of those things you cant un-see , we just came inches to the devil himself, his eyes pierced through our souls and back, his sinisterly crooked smile painting an unforgettable image in our minds, an image that will haunt us for eternity, how evil he looked, there was no cure that could bring him back now.

There was no sign of  human in him.                    

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