Chapter 10

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"You girls were awesome, like usually. " - I said as we walked out of the stadium.

"When are we going to have practice again? " - Ashley asked before getting in her car.

"I don't know yet. I'll try to make a schedule tonight and I'll just give you a call." - I explained. They nodded and got in their cars. Okay, now I really need a ride home.

"Hey Jade..." - I called her and went to her car.

"Yeah? " - She smiled.

"Can you please give me a ride home? " - I asked. She rolled her eyes down and smiled, slowly shaking her head. What the hell?

"So? " - I asked confusedly.

"You're only asking that because Ciara isn't here right? " - She spoke.

"Is that a no?" - I asked.

"I didn't say that. Get in." - She said and closed her door. I stared at her for a few seconds and then went around the car and got in. I only asked for a simple ride home. Why is she making a big deal about it? She is so annoying.

"So... Why couldn't Ciara come today? " - She asked.

"She was busy." - I simply answered.

"What was more important than our practice? " - She asked making a weird face.

"It's none of your business! " - I said and rolled my eyes.

"Sure." - She answered. Gosh, why can't people look at their own damn business. What does she have against Ciara anyway? If she wasn't living in the same street as I do, I would never ask her for a ride home. She glanced a few times at me, probably wanting to start a conversation, but honestly I don't even feel like talking to her. Before she said anything, I took my headphones and my phone and turned up some music.

"How was your day?" - She mumbled something, I didn't understand what she said anyway, so I pretended like I didn't hear it at all.

"Desteny? I said, how was your day?" - She mumbled something again. Is she stupid, or blind or something? She clearly sees that I'm not even paying attention to her, or to anybody. Soon I could feel her hand patting my shoulder. Oh come on girl...

I pulled out my headphones and turned to her...

"What?" - I said. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Nothing. " - She replayed. Are you kidding me? I put my headphones back into my ears and turned up the music as loud as it could.


Soon we arrived at my house. I pulled out my headphones and opened the door.

"Thanks for the ride. " - I said as I got out. She nodded her head slowly and gave me a fake smile. As soon as I closed the door, she drove away and I made my way to the house. I opened the front door quietly and walked in. It was pretty much quiet inside. My father must be sleeping. That's great, he didn't even notice that I was...

"No need to go upstairs. " - My heart got frozen when I heard the words coming out of my father's mouth. Slowly I turned my head to where he was standing. The look on his face was like always, dead serious. His eyes were exhausted and full of anger. He was holding a suitcase in his hand, what was confusing me more and more. I stared at the suitcase for a few seconds and then looked back at him. As he opened his mouth to speak, my heart started beating fast... So fast I thought it will jump out of my chest. I hope it's not what I think it is...

"Take your fucking suitcase..." - He threw the suitcase at me and then quickly added: "and get the fuck away from here. "

I stayed quiet, with my mouth half opened. You've got to be kidding me! My father, he is kicking me out of my house? Am I having just an another nightmare? Am I? When am I going to fucking wake up? What the hell is...

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