Chapter 7

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The message said: *Hey I'm really sorry because of what I said. I just didn't mean it like that. :-( x*

Why is it so hard for him to understand that I don't fucking care. I replied: *Whatever. * I throw the phone on my bed and stood up as the phone started to ring. Damn it Neymar!

"What is it now? " - I answered madly. 

"Desteny, I'm sorry I..." - He spoke but I cut him off.

"It doesn't even matter for God's sake. Just let it go." - I told him.

"Can you just listen to me. Give me at least five minutes." - He begged. I rolled my eyes, letting out a deep breath. After a few seconds of silence I finally said: " Okay, you have 3! "

"Thank you. Listen, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I didn't want to hurt you...'' - He spoke but I cut him off again.

''You didn't hurt me, even if you try you can't! I'm fine! Are we done know?'' - I raised my voice at him and stood up from my bed.

''No. For an apology I wanted to invite you over for dinner?'' - He said which came out more like a question.

''Hahah no thanks.'' - I laughed at his words, tossing my long, brown, wet hair over my shoulder and  walking awkwardly through my room.

''Come on Des, I feel really bad because of what I said to you. I want to do something so you can forgive me.''  - He acted like he was sad or something.

''Let's say, I forgave you. Are we done NOW?'' - I asked feeling annoyed.

''You're lying.'' - He laughed. What the hell Neymar? ''I'll just pick you up at 8, is that time okay for you?'' - He added.

''I'm not going.'' - I said and made it clear.

''I'll come to your house to pick you up anyway.'' - He laughed. Why is he doing this to me?

''You don't know where I live.'' - I said. 

''That's not a big problem for me." - He laughed again. Jerk!

''I hate you.'' - I spoke through my teeth. If I only could, I'd punch him right into his damn face right now.

''Is that a yes?'' - He asked. I'm pretty sure, he had that damn smirk on his lips. I stayed quiet. I don't fucking want to go, but still I don't want him to come to my house, my father is going to kill us. Fuck, this is so messed up. ''I'll take that as a yes! See ya tonight!'' - He said and hung up. 

This is not happening! Which part of ''I don't give a shit about you'' did he not understand? I took my headphones and my phone, turned up some music and went to dry my hair. There are a lot of things going through my head right now. I need to make a schedule for our practices, I need to call Ciara because I have 2 missed calls from her, I need to see how's my mother... but first I need to eat. I'm starving! It's noon and I haven't eaten anything.

After like 20 minutes, I dried my hair and went downstairs to the kitchen. I was scared that my father is down there but as soon as I realized that the house is empty, I felt like a stone fell from my heart. Quickly I made myself something to eat. I'm not really good at cooking, because I never actually have had time to learn how to cook. Even that little bit I know, I've learned from my mother. She is actually an amazing cook. I really miss her meals. As soon as I finished my cooking, I took a plate and sat down to the table to eat. It wasn't really delicious but I was so hungry that I couldn't care less. After a few minutes I heard someone shutting the door. My heart was frozen when I saw him walking into the kitchen. As his eyes met mine, I didn't feel like eating anymore. Actually I didn't feel like living anymore. I moved my eyes slowly down to the plate in front of me, letting the fork out of my hand. I heard him letting out a deep breath, not taking his eyes off of me.

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