Oh Great, I'm Stuck With Team 7 Part 1*

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Hikari's POV

  I woke up slowly and crawled onto the sheets of Sasuke's bed, careful not to make the same mistake that I made yesterday. I stretched out my back a little bit and then stretched it out a little bit more.


  The sound of my back cracking resounded throughout the whole house as I was reduced to a cute fur ball of misery that was crying anime tears in a fetal position.

Sasuke quickly came up to his bedroom where I usually sleep because he sometimes has these terrible nightmares at midnight.

  "Hikari, when you're done crying can you come to the kitchen to eat your breakfast?"

  Your sympathy warms my cold heart, Sasuke.

  I ignored that for the time being and turned over to look at the clock that was on the gigantic wooden bedside table. I recovered quickly.

  I've always wondered what turtle tastes like. Hmm I'd like to try that one day. I decided to get down so I rolled in the covers so I was in a kind of blanket cocoon and rolled off the bed.

  Well, that was fun.

   I shook my head as I tried to get out of the cocoon that I was trapped in. I shook off the rest of the covers and hurriedly stood up.

  If he wants to live, than there has to be some food for me or else...... 

  I softly walked down the long and dark hallway that seems to go on forever. Sasuke peeked into the hallway and noticed my small form going into a sprint hurling straight towards him. He started laughing and fell down with tears in his eyes.

After he went down I walked up to him calmly and put one paw on his chest.

  I hereby claim this body. Victory is mine!

  Then he decided to get up and I just clung to him with some catra. Sasuke walked into the kitchen with me on him. As soon as I finished my breakfast of two omelets, I started to change my pelt's color and made intricate silver and gray designs on a white background for my fur.

I sat on the table in front of Sasuke and went into a dangerous hell also known as my mind.

  Sasuke, your way too young to be broken. You're way too young to fall apart. You're way too young to play these games. But you better start. Only if we could turn back the clock and go to where life was better for you and Itachi. Only if things were different..... I'm being too sappy again.

  I snapped out of my thoughts as Sasuke finished washing the dishes and carefully took out some jolly ranchers from the cabinet then offered me a blue raspberry. I sucked slowly on the delicious treat. I walked silently beside Sasuke to the academy and then leapt up to his shoulder.

  Dammit! Stop walking and stay still I'm trying to balance here!

   I finally got my balance back once we got to the classroom which had no one as always, we were the first ones here. Sasuke sat down and put his head onto his intertwined fingers. I sat on his arm which was laying on the desk. I played distractedly with a small bell that Sasuke gave me while savoring the taste of the jolly rancher. Iruka started talking to us. "Now that you're genin, you will go through many hard times, but be warned this is the way and the life a shinobi. There are rewards for missions done correctly, and remember that when you're on a mission, just one choice can kill someone or make the mission a success."

Well that was a joy killer. Thanks a lot Iruka. You make everyone feel butterflies after they become genin.

  Sasuke rolled his eyes from under me. Iruka started calling out the teams in order.

  "- Team 7 consists of Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha along with his ninja neko, Hikari." I blocked out all the other teams and carefully listened to the team that Sasuke and I'll be on.


I'm lazy as shit and tired now because I didn't get any sleep last night. I wish I could go to the world of Naruto. *sigh*

I'm not the only one with that wish.

Dedicated to ameare

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