We Cats Stick Together

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  • Dedicated to ajc2003 for being my BFF for so many years


~ I don't want to feel like this today. Make me feel better, I want to feel better stand with me here now and never surrender... ~ Never Surrender By Skillet

Hikari's POV ( Torei 's words are in bold Tora's is in CAPS because I imagine she's a hyper cat. And Hikari's words are in Bold italics. )

I sat on the leafy tree branch with Torei and Tora in the green forest chatting. "OMG DID YOU SEE WHO GOT PREGNANT?" Tora asked us in a whisper as we gossiped.

"Wasn't it Matona?" I asked the gossip girl who's owner knew all of the latest gossip. (I originally chose Margret as the name but realised it was too American XD)

Torei interrupted "Well we all didn't notice that baby bump." Tora and I nodded in agreement. Well her and Tom weren't exactly as discreet with their relationship as they thought they were. I thought with a wince.

"So true no offense to her but she kept on sneaking out every night, so we assumed that she just liked walking around."

I stated. We all went walking seeing who can climb the highest on the trees. Tora and I weren't afraid of anything while Max was around.

All of us climbed as high as we can with our claws. Torei and I tied with Tora on the branch below us. As all of us walked down the tree with our sharp claws dug into the thick bark of the tree.

Torei and I rested on a branch a foot above the weed covered ground.

He took a playful swipe towards me which quickly turned into a playful fight between us with a few people and Tora awing in the background. I took the playful fighting off the tree by softly tackling Torei to the ground.

I sat on his stomach with my tail flickering above me as I smiled down at him. He gave a fake growl and flipped us over then his big form hovered over my tiny one. So nice weather we're having... I trailed off and almost at the moment I stopped talking, he used his tail to delicately tap my nose. Platonic relationships are the bomb.

AchooI sneezed as his tail tickled my nose. He gave chuckle and fell down onto the grass beside me. I'M GONNA GO TO THE BATHROOM NOW. Tora told me as she walked away.

Torei and I played around alittle bit more til we heard Tora yowl. Come on she might be in trouble. I said to Torei as I got up from my spot on the grass.

We ran to the source of the yowl and came across a hilarious sight of Tora being held by Naruto and clawing his face off.

She might need some help, so I'M GOING IN!!! I told Torei as I lunged at Naruto while Team 7 and Torei watched in amusement.

Once Tora and I were done clawing up Naruto who looked like a mess, we jumped off and groomed ourselves with Torei helping me get my fur back in place. Tora soon had gotten caught by Sasuke who took her to the Hokage for the mission.

So what are we going to do now? Asked Torei. I just shrugged my shoulders. We soon decided to play around like we did earlier which led to Torei falling into a lake and me jumping in there too to swim. The water was surprisingly warm so Torei and I stayed in there for the longest time playing around.

Torei splashed me which made me squeak in surprise. I swam underneath the water once I noticed Torei trying to splash me again. Get back here you little rascal! Torei playfully called out to me as I swam into a little underwater cave that we always went to.

You gotta catch me first! I called back to him as he chased after my quickly retreating form. I got to the cave first and decided to use catra to climb up onto the ceiling. Unfortunately Torei was a more than qualified ninja cat but isn't a ninja cat he just had the training with me when he lived with Shisui.

Haha he will never find me. I giggled as he walked around the ground and stopped right below me so I let go of the ceiling and fell down in slow motion onto my unsuspecting friend. I landed onto his back and surprisingly he didn't notice. This guy is a freaking hulk.

I soon fell asleep on his back which was comfortable and warm. I felt the smooth rocking of his walk as I slept.

A/N Sorry I updated late because I went to a pep rally slash bonfire last night. It was really fun and most of the kids in my school went. Shanna and I took a few selfies and Shanna also had gotten a really good picture of the bonfire when it was 40-50 ft tall and it looked like her head was on fire. Though it looked kinda like it was photo shopped.

Also at my school the vice principal practically threatened us in a lecture basically saying no selfies because they see them and tons of kids were skipping classes and I was thinking why didn't I think of it. Also no using the nurse as a excuse or hiding in the bathroom or empty classrooms and visiting your old teachers. :(

She ruled out everything and reminded us that there's cameras everywhere.

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