I Feel Like Crap Today

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Hello how are you?

~Remember when we stole your dad's car? I never thought we'd take it that far.. Oh, we were flying so high yeah partners in crime, so why we'd every say goodbye? Remember when we, when we had it all!~ Remember When

Hikari's POV

I woke up to brilliant sunlight shining straight in my face. Shit! Did the sun explode? I fell off of the giant bed and faceplanted into the floor. No, not my beautiful face!

Looking around the room I noticed the white walls, carpet, bed and the silver hair of Kakashi Hatake. I wonder how much bleach went into this room? The whiteness combined with super bright sunshine was not a good combination. I feel so blind.

I stumbled around alittle bit and bumped into a wall. My eyes readjusted to the light as I blinked rapidly before I somehow walked into door. I don't have time for this door. I'm gonna knock it down!!! I thought and slowly gathered chakra into my paw.

I lightly pressed my pace into the door before the door blew off it's hinges and landed neatly into the almost empty hallway. You might want to fix that. A little boy who was a few steps away from where the door fell looked at me with shock.

What did you expect kid? Superman? I rolled my eyes before going up to him to try to get me a ride to the dining room for a delicious meal. "Meow?" Inari rubbed his eyes and took me to the end of the hallway before setting me down. I wondered around the house before finding the dining room. I'm starving.

I walked in to see the sight of a empty room before hearing Team 7 in the room I woke up in. This is too much walking for me. I should get a cat mobile or something like that. I ran into the room that the injured Kakashi Hatake was using. "- if it puts that much strain on you. Maybe it's not worth it." I heard Sakura tell Kakashi. Now I'm so confused.. Care to explain?

They remained oblivious to my silent wishes and continued their conversation. "Sorry." Kakashi said without any hint of remorse in his voice. Wow, is he even trying to fake it? Kudos to your top notch effort Kakashi. I swore I heard slow clapping in the background. Must be the drugs. I shrugged my tiny shoulders.

"Huh, well you did take down one of the most powerful ninja assassins." Tazuna grunted. He had a satisfied expression on his drunk and ugly face. Don't ever do that again. I thought wincing. You being happy is terrifying.. IT'S NOT NATURAL!!!!

I fell down dramatically and anime cried as they kept on talking. I sat unnoticed until I pushed the wall down with my chakra that I had gathered in my paw. They turned around and stared at my fleeting form as I disappeared outside through my newly installed super sized kitty door.

If they find me I'm gonna be a chameleon. I climbed up a big tree in the forest and dosed off as the sunlight seeped through the leafy green foliage and warmed my fur.

(Sorry if it's crappy because SOMEONE (Shanna) keeps on reading over my shoulder OUTLOUD for the WHOLE class to hear in my second period Advanced Science class)

I snapped out of my trance once the sound of footsteps and loud obnoxious talking reached my ears. It can only be those idiots, I can feel the emo aura from here and the fangirl emotions. Not to mention the happy go lucky voice that I can recognize anywhere.

I watched the small group as they gathered into the large clearing that was void of any other life. Kakashi hobbled around on his crutches. I couldn't hear their conversation from my perch. Keep talking like that and I'll be happy up here. I watched them with bored eyes as my tail flicked back and forth.

Kakashi walked up the tree beside me slowly using alittle bit of chakra before stopping to hang upside down from a high tree branch. I can do that. I scoffed. Show-off. I stood on the top of my tree until Sakura noticed me.

"Sasuke, is that Hikari up there? How did she get up there? What if she's stuck and can't get down?" Sakura panicked. I expertly jumped off of the tree and landed ontop of Kakashi's branch after he finished instructing Team 7. This is how you do it.

They tried for alittle bit and Sakura went the farthest "Hey, this is actually pretty easy." She yelled down from her branch. Turns out she has good chakra control for her age.

"It looks like the best at chakra control on this team is Sakura. Looks like her and Hikari are the closest to Hokage right now, and maybe the Uchiha clan isn't that great after all." Kakashi taunted the boys.

Their eyes held a flame in them to go to the very top. "Sensei you talk too much. Take that back!" Sakura yelled pointing at Kakashi in a desperate attempt to gain alittle bit of face back infront of Sasuke.

Naruto soon got frustrated and had a small fit of anger. "How come a stupid cat can get that high but we can't!" He pointed at me. It's rude to point. And have you ever thought that maybe I have more skill. I glared at the hyperactive blond.

"Stop yelling at the cat, and tell her your sorry, dobe." Sasuke told Naruto with an anger vein popping out on his forehead. Sasuke lost his concentration when Naruto yelled. Pissed off Uchiha coming your way. Naruto, you're a goner. I shook my head sadly at the blond kid who Sasuke was shooting glares at.

Only if looks could kill. He'd be so screwed right now. It was as if he was trying to burn a hole into Naruto's head with pure hatred and anger. Naruto retorted. "But IT keeps on mocking me with that smirk on its smug little face!!!!!!" He turned around to see I had moved to another branch and his finger was pointing at a squirrel.

Hahaha, baka. He looks like a retard pointing at a squirrel. I quickly acted like I was clawing up some tree bark just as Naruto noticed my new location. "SEE!!!" He yelled with flames of anger burning in his now dark aqua blue eyes.

I poofed away with a teleportation justu to have a cat nap. (A/N Nya!!! ≧∇≦ Lol idk) I circled around my fluffy little bed that resided in Sasuke's temporary room. After settling down, I drifted into a peaceful sleep.


I'm so sorry it took so long for me to finish this chapter. I also have a field trip on Tuesday no joke and have been sick Friday-Today (Which is Sunday) and I'm still not feeling good. I've been really busy. T-T

I can't believe this is almost up to 700 reads. Only 1 more to go then it'll hit 700.≧∇≦ I never thought it would hit 100 much less 700. Sorry about my rambling.

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