The Bell Test and A Hostage*

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~Like ships in the night. Keep passing me by, just wasting trying to prove who's right.~ Ships in the Night

Hikari's POV

  I woke up earlier than the sun. 

  Why am I waking up at dawn? I am a cat right?

  I stood up and stretched thankfully not cracking anything like last time. I decided to wall around the village and soon came across a disturbing advertisement.

  My eyes! My eyes burn!!!!!

  Soon after I got the image out of my head by smacking my head repeating into a random apartment door until the door opened and I face planted into a carpeted floor. Looking up I saw the culprit of my misery.

  Kakashi you asstard!!! (Bastard + asshole = asstard)

 "Meow?" Which translates to, 'How can you be so cruel?'

  Kakashi looked around oblivious to my small form that was still on the ground. He looked down and saw me once he heard my meow. Kakashi gave me a 'WTF, are you doing here?' look. He cradled me in his arms and walked inside.

  "Hmm. Did Sasuke send you to spy on me?" he asked me as I stared at his grey mask in curiosity.

  He stared at me too. "Jiiiiiiiiii." (Sound effect for intense staring.) Kakashi finally stopped staring at me and opened the fridge to get some milk. He then carefully took out a baby

bottle and poured some milk into it then proceeded to feed me.

  I love now. Thank you, you're now my BFF right below Sasuke.

   I suckled like a baby on the baby bottle. Once I was done with the bottle Kakashi took the bottle away and wiped my face. I mewed my thanks.

  Fair trade.

  I looked at the clock and saw it was half an hour til the test. We just sat down on his beige couch and started watching Madoka Magica. (If you've watched it, then you're amazing ❤)   

  You're my favorite character, Akemi Homura, you did all of that for Madoka and wanted to protect your only friend, no matter how many times you had to redo it. You never gave up on her.

  Kakashi and I anime cried on each other which probably looked odd because a feared ninja was crying on a tiny yellow and black haired kitten. (She looks like the cat on the cover today)

  We then went out for some Ichiraku ramen after that lovely bonding time. I pointed to the picture when Kakashi was ordering to signal him what I wanted to eat.

  Miso sounds real good right about now.

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