The Alternate Universe (Has nothing to do with the story)

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  • Dedicated to For Athena and also I never liked John anyways, so he was a fucker that didnt de

A/N Ok this was a request from cheetahgirl940 for Hikari to fall in love with a wolf that the Hokage captured. Let's pretend that Torei doesn't exist for this chapter that has nothing to do with this story and it's only a alternate dimension. Remember that Hikari's words are in this and the wolf's are in bold.

Hikari's POV

The Third Hokage summoned me to his office after I came back from a S class mission with Itachi. The Hokage quickly explained that they had a intruder come inside the village and the intruder had nearly killed a few Chûnin and mortally wounded a Jōnin.

Apparently the one responsible for this was in interrogation currently and I was to try to get some information out of him because he doesn't speak the language of humans. Ah it seems like he is one of the type of primitive ninja hound groups. I also was informed that I would have to stay there for a long week and some ANBU shall come by with my things.

I quickly padded down the hallway to the holding cell #007. (If you get the reference then you are a secret agent) We need some carpet in here my paws are freezing. I gave a shiver as the air grew colder. Damn you Ibiki for turning up the AC in fucking winter.

I soon came across the holding cell and everyone left the room and hallway. The interrogation unit never doubt my techniques or how I do things. I always get the job done no matter what.

I made my fur a deep shade of black and my eyes stayed their natural striking green. (I don't know if black has any other shades)

I stood infront of the captive who didn't try to struggle against the many chains that held him down. Well he's smart. At least this one knew that the chains drain energy from the unfortunate victim if they struggle. I heard a deep throaty growl come from the big light gray wolf that towers over me as I examined him.

He looked like a young and healthy one, not to mention determined to keep his information. I carefully noted the brilliant blue orbs that peered at me from underneath long eyelashes. (Sounds like their human and

not a wolf and a cat -_-#)

State your name and your reasons of trespassing into

Konoha. I told him in a stoic manner. He gave a husky chuckle at the obvious demanding tone that was laced into my voice.

Now why would I tell you that information little missy? He asked in a cocky and arrogant tone before continuing. That is classified and I'm none of your concern as long as you let me go.

I gave a light growl before replying steadily. Well your far away from getting let go, and for your information I'm not little I'm just fun sized. I huffed in anger. This is going to be a long interrogation for sure. I let out a long sigh.

Your gonna be in here for a long time so you better get comfortable or else this will be a long week for you. I informed the obviously angry mutt infront of me. He didn't reply but gave me a bitter glare with those startling blue eyes.

I snuggled into my beanie bag chair that the ANBU brought in and a few blankets. I soon heard a loud sneeze come from his side of the room. You don't want to get a cold in here. I stated as I gave him a blanket once I had gotten up.

The wolf sighed in relief as I took off the chains. Where I come from they call me Yuuki. Yuuki said as he got comfortable in his pile of blankets. Hmm, courage did you do anything to earn that name? I asked Yuuki who's eyes we closed shut.

Yes, I saved my youngest sibling from drowning when we were little. He told me with a eye now open in surprise at my sudden interest. Why did you come into Konoha Yuuki? Was there any malicious intent in your mind?

He gave me a tired look. No, besides what is with you people and trespassing? I'm just a rouge who ran away from home for personal reasons. So I decided to come to Konoha. A few steps into the gates I get attacked by ninjas, so I defended myself. I nodded in sympathy as he sneezed again. The air is too cold down here.

So he's innocent. I silently mused. I turned around to walk out then skidded to a halt when I heard the next words out of Yuuki's mouth. Also sweetheart nice ass by the way. He said with a cheeky grin on his face. Why thank you.

I told him dryly as I hurriedly walked out of the interrogation unit and up the long winding staircase that led to the Hokage's office.

"Oh your back so early Hikari?" The Hokage asked in surprise as I opened his door. I used a justu that projects thoughts and memories into another's mind. He watched the projection in silence, well until he let out a chuckle at the remark that Yuuki made about my butt.

"Well that was a exciting interrogation for you. Since Yuuki apparently wants to live here he'll be living with you in your room. You shall watch him until he is deemed trustworthy." He then dismissed me so I could get Yuuki and show him my room inside the small house which resides in beside Itachi's house.

*Time skip 4 years* Yuuki's POV

I watched Hikari walk outside for some fresh air. The grey wolf mused over the time that had gone by. Time seemed to fly after he met the little vixen that held his heart in her paws.

'I still remember the first day we met like it was yesterday.' He thought to himself as he watched his love run around with a heavy stomach.

Thankfully we found out how to have our own. And all that was needed was some of my blood to get her pregnant. Even if they are kittens, I will no doubt love them the same. I went out to the forest as Hikari went into the house to lay down.

As I walked around I felt something big slice into my neck just as I walked back out of the forest. My last thought was 'Goodbye my darling Hikari. Stay strong even if the world goes against you and shine with your light always.'

A/N Also I had gotten hungry in the middle of it so I made some ramen. (*'∇`*)

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