Chapter Fifty Eight: More than meets the eye

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"Mr. Delacroix sir!" a guard shouted

"What is it..." Mr Delacroix said

"We just got word that Dash's resistance team has just left Montana and are slowly heading to Oregon!" the guard said

"Where are they now?" Mr Delacroix asked

"Their in Boise, Idaho sir!" the guard said

"When are they leaving?" Mr. Delacroix responded

"One of our recon squads over heard them saying there leaving tomorrow morning!" the guard cried

Mr. Delacroix nodded, an evil smile plastered on his face.

"Would you like us to attack them now?" the guard asked

"No, cut them off at Bend" Mr. Delacroix said

"Yes sir!" the guard responded, saluting

"Dismissed" Mr. Delacroix said

The guard shot the salute off and sharply turned around and walked off. Mr. Delacroix got up and walked over to the window right behind him.

"Damaen" Mr. Delacroix called

"Yes sir!" Damaen said

"Get #645 in here" Mr. Delacroix said

"Yes sir!" Damaen response

Damaen left the room and a couple of minutes later came back with #645.

"#645...I recall you losing to Dash last time yes?" Mr Delacroix asked

"Yes sir..." #645 said

"Would you like an opportunity to get even with him?" Mr Delacroix asked

"I would be honored sir" #645 said

"Good, cause I want you to go with a group of highly trained soldiers and cut his group off at Bend, can you do that?" Mr Delacroix asked

"Yes sir..." #645 said

"Oh, and due to the power multiplier being successful, shall I call you Miles again?" Mr Delacroix

"I wouldn't mind sir?" Miles said

" are now dismissed" Mr Delacroix said

Miles turns around and leaves the room, leaving Mr Delacroix to his thoughts.

"Dash will never see us coming" Mr Delacroix laughed

He punched the wall right next to it, putting a hole in it.

"And with all of the powers I have combined, I will crush that little brat under my boot" Mr Delacroix laughed

Mr Delacroix's laughter echoes out into the hallway and into the night sky.


We were about 4 hours out from Boise and approaching the small town of Bend. I could feel the tension in the air as we got closer and closer to Boise.

Alright, we will be in Bend about 1 hour from now, what we will do is ask around town if there has been any disturbances around the area, and see if any of them sound like Delacroix's doing." Mercedees said

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"You alright?" Jessica said

"Yeah, just worried" Abby said

"We'll be fine, don't worry, alright?" Jessica said

I nodded and turned to look out the window, the rising hills and valleys reminded me of waves. It reminded me of the time Rick took me to watch the sunset by the lake. The ride was really smooth for the rest of the way, and once we made it to Bend. We stopped at a restaurant to eat.

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