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richie looked away from the road for a single second and that's all it took for eddie to yell at him.

"richie! you dumb fucking idiot watch the road!"

richie smiled, not caring about what eddie had said, but caring about how good eddie looked. his hair was growing out a bit more than it normally would have, so he clipped it back with two purple barrettes to keep it away from his face. he was wearing light jeans, and richies UCLA sweater from when he did a campus tour last winter.

"are you actually going to go to UCLA?"

"probably not, but it's an option."

"how many acceptances have you gotten?"

"every school that i've applied to has accepted me."

"really? what one are you looking at the most?" eddie smiled at that. if anyone deserved multiple college acceptances, it was richie.

"well, i got accepted to columbia. that's pretty cool."

"columbia? that's great! why didn't you tell me that?"

"because i knew that you'd tell me to go, even though you want to princeton. i want to go somewhere where i'll be close to you."

"richie, they're only an hour away from each other."

"i know, but i want to be around you all the time. you know what we should do?" eddie laughed, looking over to richie, who kept his eyes on the road.

"what, richie?"

"we should get an apartment, midway. that way we can still live together and shit. and then we can just drive the half hour to school."

"richie, that's ridiculous. plus you know that i don't drive."

"then i guess i'll just have to apply to princeton with you."

"richie, no. you don't want to go to princeton, you want to go to columbia."

"i want to go where ever you are."

"richie. no, columbia will be good for you!"

"not if you're not there."

"rich, it's not that big of a deal, i'll take the train every weekend, and stay with you in new york."

"okay, but you have to promise!"

"i pinky promise." eddie smiled, and held his pinky up. richie, being stopped at a red light, turned to him and laced their pinkies together. when the light turned green, richie let go of eddies pinky and continued driving.

eddie sat back in his seat, and looked over to his boyfriend. richie really was beautiful. his curly hair was pulled back into a ponytail, he had just recently got it trimmed, but it was still long so no one really noticed. eddie noticed though. he also noticed how richies bright blue eyes reflected the orange glare of the setting sun. he noticed the faded green flannel shirt that richie was wearing over his even more faded ramones t-shirt. he noticed how beat up richies burgundy chuck taylor's were, and he made a mental note to buy him another pair for his birthday.

while eddie was deciding whether to get richie another pair of chuck taylor's in burgundy, or to switch it up and buy him a pair in navy, richie stopped the car.

richie must've noticed a confused face, because he smiled.

"i didn't want to take you home just yet."

eddie had been at richies house for the whole weekend, and his mother had finally started to get frustrated with the amount of unanswered calls from henry to her home phone, that she had asked for eddie to return home.

"my mom is gonna be mad, rich." eddie said, faux urgency filled his voice.

"oh yeah?"

"yeah. she might not let me out of the house again, that wouldn't be good."

"no, it wouldn't be."

"then what would we do?"

"i'd just have to break in." richie smiled and leaned over the seat, kissing eddie softly. eddie kissed him back, smiling into it, thinking about how this was all worth it.

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