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Jake woke up with a head splitting headache. He groaned loudly trying to recall last nights events. Suddenly he looked around and he realised this wasn't his room. As if he wasn't startled enough Jake heard soft snores beside him. He looked down and was greeted with the sight of Rich sleeping. His arm was spread across Jake's stomach and his knees were curled up to his chin. Jake relaxed slightly when he saw it was only Rich. His eyes widened and he quickly looked under the covers and was relieved when he saw they were both fully clothed. Realising he was safe and didn't just have sex he let himself loosen up and relax.

He wouldn't admit it but he liked watching Rich sleep. Sure it was creepy but he found Rich adorable. He knew that Rich would never return his feelings. For a long time Jake had dated people to get over the fact that he had feelings for Rich such as Chloe. It was wrong he knew that and he did truly love Chloe but as a friend or sister not at all in a sexual way. His feelings for Rich never strayed and he hated it.

As Jake was deep in thought Rich's slowly opened his eyes. His face flushed seeing Jake staring at him.

"I wonder if he remembers" Rich thought as Jake smiled at him.

"Hey" Jake said simply.

"Hi" Rich mumbled.

They stayed silent for a moment just staring at each other. Taking in their beauty.

"So do you remember anything" Rich finally broke the silence.

Jake shook his head "no, why did anything important happen."

"No" Rich answered quickly.

Jake raised an eyebrow "okay."

"I presume you have a headache" Rich changed the subject.

"You have no idea" Jake rolled onto his back.

"We should get you some water" Rich told him.

Jake groaned "but I'm so comfy."

Rich laughed "you'll regret it if you stay in bed.

Jake rolled his eyes "I don't care, I want to stay here... with you."

Rich blushed crimson.

Jake smirked "your so cute."

Rich put his hands up to his face "my god."

Jake chuckled "you love me though."

"I would sell you to Satan for a stale, burned french fry" Rich retorted.

Jake got into a fit of laughter and soon Rich joined in.

"Your right" Rich smiled.

"Hmph?" Jake questioned him.

"I do love you."

It was Jake's turn to blush now.

"No homo though."

Jake giggled "whatever bro."

After awhile the two clambered out of bed and made there way into the kitchen. Rich poured a glass a water for Jake and handed it to him.

"Thanks" Jake said taking a sip.

"No problem" Rich answered "So what can you remember of yesterday?"

"I remember getting to Dustin's party, meeting that guy Jared and two new guys Evan and Conor, then I drank a lot of beer, I think Chloe dropped me off here and then it's all a blur."

"Oof" Rich said "Well you were extremely drunk."

Jake laughed "you're right I am a complete fuck up when drunk."

Rich laughed along.

"Anyway" Rich said "I better get started on all my homework I swear I'll be doing it all weekend."

"I can help" Jake told him.

"Oh you really don't have to" Rich shook his head.

Jake shrugged "nah I don't mind I'll help you."

"Thank you" Rich grinned.

"No bother."

And so they began to tear there way through Rich's homework from English essays to Maths problems.

"Dude fuck maths" Rich said trying to figure out a problem.

"Isn't it funny that we probably won't use most of this in life" Jake said, leaning back.

Rich glared at him "no I find that vaguely depressing."

Jake shrugged "don't blame me blame the education system."

"Society" Rich said "it's fucked up."

"I'll drink to that" Jake laughed "water of course."

Rich chuckled "anyways Jake I've got something to ask you."

"Ask away" Jake nodded.

"So I was texting Michael" Rich started "and Jeremy and him are going to a pride parade tomorrow."

Jake's eyes lit up "please tell me you want us to go."

Rich smiled "how did you know?"

"I assumed."

"Well ya you're right" Rich nodded "it will be my first one so I wanted someone there with me."

Jake grinned "it's my first one too I've always wanted to go to one" he gasped suddenly "we need to go pride shopping."


"We need to get pride clothing, flags, pins and anything you can think of!"

Rich laughed "Where can we get stuff like that."

Jake grinned "I know a place that guy Conor told me about it."

"Alright then" Rich nodded "screw homework let's go."

Jake gave directions as Rich drove them to the store. As the pulled up Rich marvelled at the sight.

"I didn't know there was a pride store" Rich said.

"I didn't know until yesterday" Jake told him.

The two stepped out of the car and walked into the store. When they entered there was flags, shirts, pins and basically for everything for every sexuality you could think of.

"This is awesome" Rich grinned.

"It's amazing."

The boys gazed at the shop. They split up so Rich could go to the bisexual section and Jake went to the pansexual section.

They ended up getting a flag, a shirt, a jacket, a packet of pins, a bag, a water bottle, a hat, sunglasses and face paint each. Ya they spend a lot of money.

They walked to the till to pay for their items.

"Wow" the cashier smiled "are you guys going to pride parade tomorrow?"

"Ya" Jake answered "it's our first one."

He smiled "awesome they're great I swear."

"You going?" Rich asked.

"Ya I'll be there with my boyfriend Alex" he replied "I'm John Lauren's by the way."

"I'm Jake."


"Cool" John answered "hopefully I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Jake and Rich payed "ya you seem like a chill dude" Rich said.

John laughed "you guys do too."

After that Rich and Jake left broke but happy.

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