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Rich sat on a chair in the dining room in utter confusion. He heard his brothers muffled voice rushing out words to his parents. Suddenly Rich could here many footsteps rushing towards him. His Dad, Mom and brother burst into the dining room making Rich jump slightly.

"What's going on?" Rich's asked as he stared at the worried faces of his family.

"I told you we should have asked him about it" Ethan groaned.

"We didn't think there was a need to" his mother defended.

"Ask me about what?"

Ethan huffed and fell back into a chair. His mother and father sat across from Rich.

"Rich can you tell me what you can remember?" his Mom said.

"Make it specific" His Dad commented "tell us what your remember about Jake."

"Okay" Rich gave his parents a skeptical look "from what I remember Jake and I have been best friends ever since freshmen year."

His mother winced.

"But" Rich continued "Jake and I have been friends way before that apparently?"

"How do you know that?" His father asked.

"I found a picture at Jake's of him and I and he told me" Rich explained "we didn't really know why I forgot but I now have a feeling you guys are hiding something from me."

"Rich hunny we didn't think we were hiding anything from you" His Mum insisted "we thought you knew."

"Knew what?" Rich frowned.

"Alright" Ethan exclaimed "no more beating around the bush. Rich do you remember when we went swimming and you saw that mark on the side of my back."

"Yeah you said it was a birthmark."

"Well guess what Bitch-"


"Sorry Mom well guess what my dearest younger brother it's not a birthmark."

"Then what the fuck is it" Rich crossed his arms.

"A scar" His mother answered for Ethan ignoring Rich's curse "Just when Jake left we decided to take you to the toy store and let you buy anything you want to try and lift your spirits about Jake leaving."

Rich raised an eyebrow at his family. He had a small guess in mind in what might have happened. It seemed unlikely but just maybe...

"Guys did something happen on the way there?" Rich said.

"Yes" His Dad answered "Rich I wasn't apart of it but your brother, your mother and you were in a car accident."

Rich thought this of course but his heart still jumped. His mother but her lip anxiously. Rich took a few deep breaths before responding.

"Okay, okay, okay" he paused "what the fuck?"


"Not That Sorry Mom to be honest" Rich snapped "I was in a car accident and no one cared to tell me. Wait... why couldn't I tell myself."

His family glanced around at each other before Rich realised.

"Holy shi- crap" Rich corrected himself "that's how I lost my memories."

"Rich" His father said in a calm manner "we didn't tell you because the doctor said we shouldn't pester you about the memories. He told us the memory loss was only temporary."

"Oh my god" Rich let out a deep breath "Oh my god."

"Rich we're sorry" His mother apologised "in freshmen year you started talking about Jake again and we assumed your memories were back."

"By the way" Ethan cut in "I did not agree to not telling you but due to our parents I was forced."

Rich stared blankly at his family. They started back at him waiting for him to say something.

"I need to call someone" Rich stood up from his seat.

"Rich we're sorry-" his mother attempted.

"Mom it's okay really I just need to call Jake" Rich smiled at her as he walked out the doorway.

"WHOO GET SOME!" Ethan screamed.

Rich barked out a laugh knowing that his Mom was about to kill his brother.
Walking faster then before Rich made his way to his room and plonked himself on his bed. He fumbled the phone out of his pocket and quickly called Jake.

He answered almost immediately.

"Jello?" Rich could practically hear Jake's grin.

"Stop being so cute" Rich smiled slightly.

"Feeling flirty are we?"

"Maybe" Rich smirked before remembering why he had called in the first place "but I can't flirt right now."

"How come?"

"I know why I don't remember anything about when we were younger."

Rich hear Jake draw in a breath.

"What? How?!"

Rich couldn't help but chuckle out his excitement.

"Don't you dare laugh at me Rich and explain."

Rich rolled his eyes but explained to Jake.

"Oh god Rich are you okay" Jake asked concern lacing his voice.

"I'm fine babe."

"Are you su-"

"I'm sure I swear" Rich promised.

"Well... okay but that means there has got to be a way to get your memories back right?" Jake asked.

"I mean I'm no expert but I guess" Rich shrugged "still if the squip was just enhancing the face that my memories were gone shouldn't they be back since it's gone."

"Like you said I'm no expert either but I assume so."

"So why aren't they?"

Silence. Rich gulped slightly.


"... yeah?"

"We'll work this out okay?"

Rich smiled, he trusted Jake "okay."

"I gotta go now just know I-"

He just cut off by Rich screaming as Ethan threw open his door.

"Sorry Jake I gotta go" Rich frantically rushed out ending the call quickly after.

Little did Rich no Jake let out a sigh of relief. Saying those words over the phone wasn't exactly how he planned to say it.

"Ethan what the actual fuck!" Rich exclaimed, blinking at his brother.

"Calm your tits I just wanted to apologise" Ethan put his hands up in defence.

"Oh?" Rich grinned, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't act so cocky about it" Ethan crossed his arms but grinned nonetheless.

"Go on then" Rich grinned even more "beg for my forgiveness."

"Ha ha very funny" Ethan rolled his eyes "seriously Rich I really am sorry about not telling you about the crash sooner."

"Relax fuckface it's fine" Rich snorted.

"You know I'm trying to be nice but you're being a dickwad."

"It's what I do best."

Sorry for not updating in ages. School started up again and I'm  sick so I've been pretty busy.

Sorry again. I'll try to update more regularly.

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