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The group sat around a table at Michael and Jeremy's house. They were laughing and sharing stories. It had been awhile since they had seen each other, not since Chloe and Brooke's wedding to be exact so Christine and Jenna had been pestering everyone about meeting up again. They had missed each other so of course they had all agreed and decided to meet up for a drink at Jeremy and Michael's house.

"So Chloe, Brooke how was the honeymoon?" Christine asked.

"Oh it was amazing" Chloe gushed, grabbing Brooke's hand "oh and you'll never guess who we ran into in Paris."

"Who?" Jenna leaned forward as gossip loving as ever.

"I'll give you a hint" Brooke smirked
"She's french."

Jeremy laughed "oh my god Madeline?"

"Yep" Brooke chuckled.

"What was she doing in Paris?" Jake frowned.

"Beauty school" Chloe said "and guess what we went for coffee and she actually isn't a complete bitch."

"Wow shocker" Michael joked.

"Yeah, she actually invited us to her wedding" Brooke said.

"Wedding?" Rich raised his eyebrows.

Chloe nodded "She's marrying some chick... what was her name again Babe?"

"Uh Hannah I think" Brooke shrugged "turns out Madeline was a complete closet case."

"Bi?" Jake asked.

Brooke shook her head "lesbian."

"Well I say good for her" Rich grinned.

Suddenly the group heard the door creak open. They turned their heads to see a small child standing in the doorway. He held a teddy bear close to his chest and was rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Adrien" Michael stood up "what are you doing out of bed buddy?"

"I had a nightmare" Adrien responded running over to his Dad.

"A nightmare?" Jeremy knelt down next to his son "did you do what me and Papa told you to do whenever you have a nightmare?"

Adrien shook his head and held back a smile.

Suddenly Michael picked him up and hoisted him in air "you just remember that you're our brave little knight and you can defeat anything."

Adrien giggled and kicked his legs around in the air. Jeremy took him from Michael and spun him around. Adrien continued to laugh until even after Jeremy stopped and put him down. Adrien looked around the room and his face suddenly lift up.

"Auntie Christine!" Adrien ran over to her and hugged her leg.

"Hiya kiddo" Christine smiled.

Adrien beamed up at her and then his eyes caught sight of something else.

"Uncle Rich! Uncle Jake!"

"Hey Adrien" Jake smiled and waved.

"Auntie Jenna, Auntie Chloe, Auntie Brooke!"

He ran over to each of them and gave them a big hug. Then did the same for Rich and Jake.

"Alright Adrien are you ready to go back to bed?" Jeremy asked.

"But..." Adrien looked at the group.

"We'll visit you again soon Adrien" Jake promised "but now you need
your sleep."

Adrien nodded and Jeremy carried him to his bedroom. Michael sat back down and the whole group stared at him.

"What?" Michael frowned.

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