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It had been a few weeks since the pride parade. Rich sipped his slushy slowly while sitting across from Michael. It was just the two of them handing out today. Everyone else was busy with something or other.

"So Rich" Michael began.

Rich hummed if response.

"When are you gonna make a move" Michael continued.

Still Rich didn't speak he just raised an eyebrow in question.

Micheal sighed and shook his head "make a move with Jake?"

Suddenly Rich started coughing and spluttering. Michael smirked slightly as he drank his slushy.

"I'm sorry what?" Rich said after he finished.

"You heard what I said" Michael smiled.

"I know that" Rich shook his head frantically "What I mean is what do you mean make a move with Jake?"

Michael groaned "Damn you are very oblivious."

Rich was terrified on what Michael was about to say. He couldn't speak of his feelings for Jake he would get all flustered and nervous.

Michael continued "you know Jake is like definitely into you the whole group can tell by how he acts around you."

Rich sighed and put his hand in his head "I could only wish."

Michael laughed "Rich I guarantee if you asked Jake out he wouldn't hesitate to say yes."

Rich looked up blushing madly "Michael do you really think that?"

Michael nodded rapidly "yes!"

Rich sat up a little straighter "maybe I should make a move."

Michael smiled broadly "really!? Your going to."

Rich nodded slightly "I mean I might... what signs has he even shown that he likes me."

"First of all when he looks at you there is literal hearts in his eyes."

Rich chuckled slightly "if that's true he should get that checked."

"Come on think about it" Michael said "just think about when your around Rich can you think of anytime Jake has acted flirtatious around you."

Rich didn't even need to think "Well there was that one time he got drunk."

Michael looked shocked "elaborate."

"Okay so remember that party we didn't want to go to" Rich started.

Michael nodded eagerly.

Rich explained "Okay so Jake came back to my house super drunk and started to flirt with me."

Michael held back a slight squeal.

"He kinda wanted to..." Rich hesitated.

"Have cheeky bum sex?" Michael laughed.

Rich burned red "Michael shut up!"

"But am I wrong?" Michael leaned forward.

Rich stayed silent for a moment before speaking "no your not wrong."

Michael through his hands up in the air in victory "I can't believe it!"

"Don't get so happy" Rich rolled his eyes "I stopped him before he could do anything."

Michael frowned "whyyyyyy?"

"He was drunk as fuck Michael I couldn't take advantage of him like that."

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