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Rich yanked on his shoes as he got ready for school. He looked in the mirror and sighed slightly at the burn marks on his body. He tried to learn to love them but it was hard. Jake said he loved them but Rich doubted that.

"Oh and who's fault is that Rich?"

Rich flinched. That's voice was all to familiar.

"My god of course I'm familiar. I'm from Japan."

It couldn't be. God Rich couldn't go through this. Not again.

"Rich I can hear your thoughts remember? You know it's me just accept it."

No Rich didn't want to accept it. So he ignored it. He grabbed his bag and though it over his shoulder. He yelled quick goodbyes to his parents and brother before he left the house. He slouched

"Posture Rich"

Rich walked to the bus stop and impatiently waited. He tapped his foot annoyingly.

"Be patient Rich. Have you forgotten everything I have taught you."

The bus finally came and Rich climbed on.

"The bus? Really Rich are you a freshman?"

Rich took out his phone and quickly put in his earphones.

"Earphones? That's laughable!"

He turned up his music to try and drown out the voice and stared out the window. After a long ride of Rich trying to fight the voice in his head he quickly rushed off the bus and walked into school. He made his way to his locker and started to get books he needed for class.

Suddenly someone grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. Michael stood in front of him. Rich yanked out his headphones.

"Damn are you deaf or are you just trying to be with your music so loud" Michael laughed.

Michael Mell? Really Rich I thought you knew better by know to not hang out with the likes of him.

Rich ignored again "you can't say much with you constantly blasting Bob Marley."

"Woah" Michael held his hands up in defence "you can come at me all you want but don't come after Bob."

Rich smiled at him while shutting his locker "so where's Jeremy?"

Jeremy Heere? That heathen tried to kill me Rich.

"Bathroom" Michael responded "where's Jake?"

Jake? Really even after you burned his house down. Man there is so much I need to catch up on.

"He slept in late" Rich answered "I had to take the bus without him."

Oh don't let people know that. Honestly you've forgotten everything I told l you.

Rich's head was beginning to hurt. The feeling was all to familiar and unsettling. Yet he continued to talked to Michael trying to push a sway the bad thoughts. The two made their way into the cafeteria meeting Jeremy along the way. They sat at the regular table and talked for awhile. Rich tried to play off he was okay.

Suddenly Rich's eyes were covered and he couldn't see anything. He smiled to himself already knowing exactly who it was.

Holy shit! What the fuck! who turned off the lights Rich?

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