Chapter 22

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Carls POV

I woke up to a light snoring just below my chin. I looked down to see the most gorgeous girl, her messy brown hair out in every direction and her lips slightly parted.

"Babe" I whispered. "Baby its time to wake up." I gently shook her.

"Hmmm?" Her eyes slowly fluttered, those beautiful brown eyes came into view.

"Oh, hi." Meghan said laughing lightly.

"We gotta get up." I said sighing loudly after. All I wanted to do is lay in this bed forever with her and cuddle. But sadly that's not the way this world wanted it to be.

"Ugh okay." She said getting up and walking over to her dresser.

"Turn." she said as she took her clothes out of the dresser and turned to me, making a circle movement with her fingers.

"Fine." I said turning on my other side to look at the wall. God damn I just want to watch her. But no, I'm not gonna disrespect her privacy like that. Go to hell you boy hormones.

"Okay you can turn around."

I turned around to see her in a black hoodie and black skinny jeans with black combat boots, of course. Then she had that beautiful long brown hair in a pony tail.

She looked amazingly stunning. Even when she just wearing something simple

"Wow." Is all I said.

"Oh stop. I looked ugly. It's just a sim-"

Meghan was interrupted by a huge crashing sound that emitted from outside. And by huge, I mean HUGE.

"What the-" is all that came out of my mouth until my dad came running into the cell.

"UP! NOW. We're under attack. The Governor just blew up the guard tower. Help Beth get Judith to Cell Block B! Now! Then meet me outside. Both of you."

He finally finished saying and ran down the stairs very quickly.

This is bad. This is so very bad.

Meghans POV

Carl and I just finished grabbing all the kids in cell block B. Which were only Judith and Beth.

We ran back to the cell block, and grabbed our weapons. I got my pistol in my hand, my bow and arrow on my back, and my knife strapped to my ankle.

Carl just finished putting his knife in the back of his holister.

"Let's go!" We ran out and I looked around for a second.

Rick was talking to the Governor. And they had a tank with them.

(Guys this isn't the part when they have Hershel so don't freak out)


We finally spotted everyone over by the inside west fence, pistols all high and ready in case they need to shoot.

We ran over and I put up my pistol just like them.

"What's happening?" I whispered over to Daryl.

He replied with a big grunt until saying, "This fuckin' douche thinks he can blow up this place like it's nothin. No in hell he cant."

He said and then focused his attention back to Rick and the Governor.

It felt like ages until somehow, finally the Governor and his men pulled out. Going back to Woodbury.

Once they were clear out of sight, Rick walked up to us quickly.

"What the hell was that?!" Daryl screamed as he went to go meet Rick halfway up the path.

Rick walked pass him and over to us.

"Rick!" Daryl screamed once again and then followed Rick to us.

He stopped in front of us all and sighed. And no, not a sigh filled of relief.  A sigh filled of frustration.  He brought his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose.

At last what finally felt like ages, he spoke.

"He wants us out in a week. If we don't do that, he said he'll kill us all."

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