Chapter 20

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Meghan's POV

I went out of the cell and down the stairs.

"Hey sweetie." Carol said as as came up and gave me a big hug.

"Hey Carol." I said hugging her back and giving her a quick smile. "I made some breakfast. Want some?" She said gesturing towards the kitchen.

"Uh, ya I guess." Even though I wasn't the least bit hungry.

Is sat down on the far end of the table as Carol went and grabbed me a granola bar.

"Here ya go." She said putting the granola bar in front of me on the table.

I gave her a nod. She started the water at the sink, I assume to do all the dirty dishes. It was quiet except from the sound of the water running. It was only me and Carol in the kitchen. I think everyone else is outside working.

It was nice and peaceful for a while until Judith a started crying from upstairs. "Ugh." I heard Carol groan.

I felt bad. She has to deal with all this.

"You know what, you go calm down Judith. I'll take the dishes from here." I said grabbing the sponge from her hand and grabbing a plate.

"Thank you so much sweetheart. It means a lot. Love you." She said quickly as she started running upstairs.

And something changed. The weight. The weight on my chest, seemed to be lighter.

It was nice. Nice knowing that someone loved you. I've been here only about 1 and a half weeks and it already feels like home.

I smiled to myself. Maybe this day won't be a total drag after all.

I was wrong.

"Oh, are you the new maid? I wouldn't doubt it. You look like one." I turned around to see Ashley standing there behind me.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to doing the dishes. I heard loud echoing footsteps coming up behind me, and before I could turn around a pair of hands grabbed a handful of my hair and slammed the left side of my face into the sink.

"Listen hear bitch," I could tell it was Ashley.

She leaned into my ear and whispered. "I saw you and Carl in the woods yesterday. And you better back up. He's mine. And I don't care if I have to KILL YOU to get him. Now, what you're gonna do, is break up with him. Right?"

Oh hell no. I finally built up the strength and threw her off of me.

She got up and started walking towards me, glaring her eyes like daggers.

Before she could get close, I tackled and pinned her to the ground.

"No. Now you listen to me bitch." I said spitting in her face. She screamed but I substituted my right hand that was pinning her down with my elbow and but my hand over her mouth.

"I just got violated. I almost got killed. CARL almost for killed. I'm not gonna take your shit today. Carl choose ME. Not you. Ok? And I love him. I am not gonna let you get in the way of us."

I said whisper-screaming at her.

"Do you understand?" I said staring right in her eyes. Her pupils went big and I could tell she was scared. This is the most I've stepped up for myself in my life.

She nodded quickly. I let go of her and got up.

She got up and looked at me again.

"Just because you won't do what I say doesn't mean I can't make your life a living hell. He will be mine."

She said right before storming off.

I don't care what she says. That felt good. Standing up for myself. I'm not gonna let that bitch get in the way.

I went over to the sink and stopped the water.

Then I quickly fast walked to the bathroom, hoping no one would see me. I need to clean myself up.

Fortunately, no one did. I got to the bathroom and locked the door. I walked over to the mirror and looked in. I had a huge bruise on the side of my head. Nothing I can't hide. I'll just say I got it when..."he"... touched me and banged my head into the table.

I turned on the sink and washed my face off. I got paper towels and patted my face dry.

When I was done, I walked out only to run into Daryl.

"Oh hey, you guys are back already?" I asked Daryl.

"Ya. We wanted to grab more things from the store but we ran into a group of walkers and had to leave."
He said setting down his crossbow that was on his back.

I think he saw me eyeing it because he pointed at him. "You like?" He said smirking.

"Oh, uh, ya. I actually shot-" I said beginning to say but he cut me off.

"Bow and arrow. I know." He said monotone.

I stood their giving him a confused look. "Wha- how do you know that?"

"We'll..." He said reaching behind him. "Rick told me to come in here and give you these."

He said and he brought out my gun, my knife, and my bow and arrows.

I gasped and ran grabbing them.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said giving him a hug.

He chuckled and said, "You shouldn't be thanking me, you should be thanking him. He really trusts you Meghan. He's taking a pretty good liking you." He said smiling.

I looked away from him and at my bow and arrow. Oh how I've missed my now and arrow.

"You any good?" Daryl stated.

"You could say that." I said smirking at him.

"We'll, you're gonna have to show me then." He said getting up and putting his crossbow over his shoulder and walking towards the double doors that lead outside.

"You comin'?" He said turning back looking at me.

I put my gun in my holster, my knife in my shoe, and slung the bag of arrows over my shoulder and picking up the bow.

"Let's go." I said.

And then, another thing changed. The weight on my chest getting lighter once again.

The weight was so light I barely noticed it was there.

Maybe, I won't have to keep faking. Maybe I could actually survive. And not just survive.

Maybe actually live.

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