Chapter 6

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Niccolo Point of View.

"NICCOLO RUSSO!" Ah, the little demon is on fire again. What happened now that she is calling me by my full name?

"Yes, mio cioccolato." I smiled at her when she entered my penthouse with fire in her eyes.Beautiful! No wonder I find myself thinking about her the whole time from the past four years.

She was with me or not the only thought that can cross my mind is about her.

What was she doing?

How was she?

It's been few hours that we last saw, is she missing me?

It has been four years that I first bought her from auction for a couple of nights and I didnt know I would be being with her for good four years.We are still friends, best friends now, no doubt; but the more I am with her, the more I am learning about her and the more I yearn to have her by me.

I don't know if she has that same feeling or not because in all these years, if there is one thing that I understood clearly about her is she is slow. She takes her good time to take up something.

Huh...! She sure has patience of a saint.

"Why did you do that?" She exclaimed angrily, her eyes throwing draggers at me and her hands folded in to fists tightly.

Hahaha, adorable!Age did matured me but not her yet. She sure got close to me enough to show her displeasure but not enough to see the love I have for her in my eyes.

What am I to do with her?

I didn't even get to kiss her even once because I f***ing respect her.

"What did I do that got your skirt on fire, Bella?" I chuckled when she took deep breaths to control her rising frustration.

"You assaulted the Don's son? Damn Niccolo, he is in hospital fighting for his life!" She yelled at me loudly. Ah, the awakening of siren season 3 is here.

"He deserves it." I said nonchalantly returning my attention back to the office papers I was reading.

"Niccolo –"

"And he deserved it. It is good that he is fighting for his life. Once he lives, he will die every minute of his life for touching you." I said lifting my head and looked into her eyes with deadly determination.

I should've shot him in the middle of his eyebrows for touching Bella against her will but then again, killing is a very lenient punishment so putting him in extreme would be the better option.

"Niccolo," She sighed and came sat beside me after taking two minutes of calm breaths. "Niccolo, it is common people to taunt, misbehave with me and mistreat girls like me and I got used to it in this past few years. I don't want you to end up making enemies for me." She whispered softly like how you explain it to a small child.But can't she understand something so simple that I will not go down without a fight someone would as much look at her?

"Who am I to you, Bella?" I asked seriously, putting the pen down on the table and turned towards her.

"My friend." She answered in confusion.Good.

"What if someone insult me in front of you? Would you enjoy the show happily?" She looked at me with a frown and her lips were set in a thin line.Ah, she's angry again.


"Are you crazy? I would slap him for talking bad about you." I couldn't help but chuckle when her fists tightened. A girl who can hardly hurt a fly is ready to slap someone for me. Good improvement Nic.

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