Chapter 16

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Flashback Continues...

Phoebe Point of View

This is ridiculous!

This is too much, seriously.

How am I going to handle this hot headed man?

I wish I can just hit him and take my frustration out. He is driving me insane with his strange ideas.

"I can't believe I am having such elaborated argument with you for something like this." Nicco grumbled, pulling off his shades and threw them on to the tea table.

"I know right! I can't believe you are so stubborn." I retorted, taking a long sip of cool water which helped in relaxing my throat after the long arguments.

Why has he turned into such stubborn person? I thought he was calm and a cool minded person! Where have I gone wrong in realizing him?

"Bella, we are going to reed fields to enjoy some romantic time and that's final." He declared pulling me to him.

No! Never! Though I like to explore reed fields and enjoy a cool evening, I am not in mood for the outdoor walk today.

"No, we are going to the west side aquarium. I am in a mood to see some fish swimming." What is so hard to just take me to an aquarium?

I'm lately craving for some swimming creatures.

"It is my turn to decide the place for our date. You already had your turn last time and we enjoyed our date in a poultry farm and enjoyed fresh eggs." He mocked me and crossed his arms on his chest. This particular posture of his means, he is not budging anytime soon.

Argh! But I wish to see some fish!

"Don't taunt me; you enjoyed those fresh eggs so much that you had a dozen of them in one go. Furthermore, it was you who fought with me to visit an aquarium at that time." I pointed out and felt happy to be slowly gaining an upper hand in the argument.

He looked terrifyingly at me but it not scares me at all. I have been with him for too many years and had seen too many sides of him that I don't feel uncomfortable around him at all.

"I did not disagree to it but we had an agreement, remember? We will take turns to decide the destination of our love dates, didn't we?" He scowled at me and ran a hand through his well kept hair roughly.

"True, but I am in no mood for a reed field date." I exasperated giving him one of my stubborn pointed look. I was expecting him to give in but these days, I don't know why but we keep on fighting on silly things and frankly speaking, I kind of love it.

It feels as if these small quarrels are more effective in bring us closer than some sweet moments.

I feel like I understand the nature of his mood better when he doesn't be considerate of me or my feelings. I feel much at ease when he let go of his stiffness and take liberty to fight with me and show his displeasure.

I started liking to see the displeasure on his face whenever I defy him. It was the cutest moment when he scowls in disapproval.

"Well, you have to set your mood according to mine today because we are going nowhere but to fields and have dinner in the arms of beautiful sunset in the middle of the fields." He declared like a king once again and grabbed my handbag in one hand and my hand in another, dragging me to his car.

"Last time when I asked you to leave the idea of poultry date, did you hear me? No. So now it's my turn and I will take my revenge by taking you to a date where there is a lot of walking. I know you are always lazy to walk around." He smirked at me but his eyes were as affectionate as always.

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