Chapter 20

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Flashback Continues...

Phoebe Point of View

"Are you sure you are alright, Nicco?" I asked for the umpteenth time but like always the only response I got is a nod.

"Yes I am." I sighed long time glancing to and fro from the young cowboy and my heart's cowboy.

Nicco, after returning from Belgium with a bag full of delicious chocolates and few antique jewelry for me, he wanted to take me to horse riding because he liked it when he visited a farm in Belgium. He also bought the chocolate factory which he wanted to partner up with two years ago. After coming back from his little trip that day, he told me his plan to take over the chocolate business in few years and true to his words, just like he planned, his father messed up the deal so badly that they needed Nicco's money to save the factory.

Along with it, he got interested in a farm with horses and loved the rural life there so he wanted to try it here in New York with me.

He said he wanted to try riding horses with me and frankly speaking, I just loved it. The experience, the memories we made were never going to erase from my mind. They are imprinted in my mind and heart.

It was going all well, we were riding on a horse together, then when I got used to riding I and Nicco raced too, it was going well until the cowboy here started to eye me with admiration.

If it was just admiration then I don't think Nicco would mind much but the boy was looking at me with lovers affection in his eyes which ticked Nicco to great lengths.

If I thought my Nicco was a sensible person then I am going to reevaluate about it again because right now he is the silliest person I have ever seen.

"No you not. Why are you ruffling my hair and putting the dry hay on me?" I asked closing my eyes to prevent any dirt to go into them. I am trying to free myself from his hold and clean myself but he kept on putting hay on my hair and on my clothes.

"Because you look beautiful in your cowgirl look." He stated shortly like it would explain everything.

Is he really getting jealous of a stranger boy? I wanted to hit his head to knock some sense into him but dear, I want to laugh at him too. This is the first time ever in these ten years I have seen him like this. Usually he is very composed and laid back. There were many times men took an interest me and there were many times he was jealous too.

But never did he act this childish.

"Nicco, you do know that you are acting weird, don't you?" I asked in a small voice shaking my head. He is still obsessed in making me ugly at this moment so whatever I said is not going through his ears properly.

"It is no way weird for your boyfriend to act this way when another male is looking at you." He responded while gritting his teeth and rubbing some sooth like dirk on my cheeks.

Argh, I am getting itchy with all the dirt on me. Why is he behaving like this so suddenly?

"You didn't behave like this before when some other men looked at me. You were so calm and composed. You didn't even blink an eye before." He looked at his art work on me and smiled a little feeling very satisfied with the result.

I must be looking like a mummy cremated centuries ago. This must be the first time ever in the history that a man is glad to make his girlfriend ugly.

He shrugged, "Because all those men looked at you with lust but this boy he is looking at you with affection." Okay... so?

"And that is a problem?" I asked in confusion. I mean isn't adoration better than lust?

"Yes because looking at you lustfully is better than looking at you with warmth and love. Lust is wanting physically but love is a want for you completely and only I can look at you with such warmth and love." He explained pecking my lips. "That guy is competing with me for your affection. And I don't take competition lightly."

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