Epilogue Part 2

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Phoebe Point of View

It has been a strenuous journey of life. It had showed me many shades of grey and reminded me that not everything is white and black.

Never had I thought I would a day like this but as they say 'All's well that ends well'. I smiled softly looking down at the little bundle of joy in my arms.

After going through many complications, I'm finally holding my dear daughter Azalea. My first delivery was much complicated as well but after a lot of struggle, I and Nicco were blessed with two beautiful angels Leonardo and Mario. Then a couple years later, it was yet another complicated delivery when I lost one of the triplets but was still blessed with another pair of beautiful boys Fabian and Amadeo.

I went into depression with lose but Nonna and Sienna had reminded me that I need to stop crying over a dead child and look after the alive ones as they need me. It took me time to get back to the routine but still Nicco was always there for me and the kids.

When I was depressed and uncared, Nicco took care of the babies. It proved to be hard for him but still he gave me time to mourn for the lost child. Thankfully, after a lot of crying and a good hearing from Nonna and Sienna, I felt light hearted.

"Give her to me and rest, Bella." Nicco leaned forward to take his tiny daughter into his hands. I gave her to him without a fight as I'm completely tired after several hours of labor.

"How are the boys?" I asked him once I was lying down on the hospital bed comfortably. Nicco took a seat in the large sofa and leaned back laying out little daughter on his chest.

"They are in chaos as usual but Nonna and my brother are good at handling the devils." I smiled at him when and my eyes slowly fluttered in tiredness.

Nicco was sitting few steps away from me on sofa but still kept murmuring comforting words which eventually led me into a dreamless sleep.

I almost slept through the whole evening and the whole night, waking up only in the early hours of morning next day to find Nicco's brother, Luca sleeping on the sofa with open mouth snoring loudly.

I smiled affectionately when I noticed young Russo accompanying me while Nicco and Nonna are back at the mansion to manage those four little devils. But I have to blame Luca for how my kids turned out. The young Russo, unfortunately is a great prankster and he found its important for kids to be a little naughty and so he taught them tricks and pranks.

It all started with playing small funny pranks on each other to playing advanced level pranks on staff and slowly they started tricking their own parent and their Gran-Nonna.

Even after the destruction they make every day at home, I still couldn't help smiling at them and their father who took charge of disciplining them thoroughly.

"You are awake? I will call Nic and inform him." Luca mumbled hoarsely, wiping away the little drivel that flowed from his open mouth.

"No, Luca. Let him rest well. He can visit me later also it's still dark outside." I told him to which he nodded and sat up straight. "You too go back to sleep. I will wake you up at seven." He shook his head and stood up and checked my forehead for any fever. The little fever I got after the labor went down after I had good sleep.

"You want something to eat?" He asked me switching on lights. I nodded my head with a small apologetic smile for having him run errands for me at this early hour of morning.

"Can I have some hot soup or something, please? I'm hungry." He nodded his head and went out of the room. A while later, he brought me hot chicken soup from the nearby restaurant.

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