Chapter 35

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Phoebe Point of View

"Nonna, it is nothing so serious. I just twisted my leg, that's it. I'm fine." Nicco said in a little exasperating tone. His eyes were gleaming with amusement towards his grandma which was not at all appreciated by the latter.

It took Mrs. Clara one hour to reach home after the mention of Nicco's little accident. She was out to speak with some of her old age club friends and when she heard the news, she ran back to the mansion, literally.


That is the only expression I can think of; how lucky Nicco is to have a grandmother like Mrs. Clara who can do anything for him. That love, that affection, that security; I don't know about others but if someone ask me choose between the world and a family like Mrs. Clara, I would choose the latter.

I can see how easily she makes people depend on her emotionally. Though she has this strict and elegant rich aura around her, it cannot mask the kind and caring side she has.

"How is it alright? You have a wrap around your leg and the doctor told you to have a bed rest for three days. How is it any fine?" She scowled looking at his hurting leg and trailed a hand on it soothingly, just like how a mother or a grandmother would do.

Anyone can clearly see how much Nicco means to her.

I looked between the two who were exchanging words, while I was standing beside the bed on the other side with a medicine box in hand. Mrs. Jones thankfully gave me the responsibility to feed him the medicines and attend him while she prepare some healthy food for Nicco.

"Look at the bright side, Nonna. You want me to work less and rest more while I'm staying here and see you have your wish fulfilled. I will take complete rest these three days and I will promise you I will not touch my office work." He raised both his hands in a surrender to which Mrs. Clara narrowed her eyes at the dramatic grandson.

I'm happy that the old fun loving Nicco is slowly getting back.

"I will take good care of him, Mrs. Clara. Rest assured. I will serve him to the best I can." I spoke for the first time noticing the worried look etched on her face so clearly.

She looked towards me and stared for a good few minutes and nodded shortly before she turned back her attention to Nicco.

"It is not just about that, Phoebe. It is good you are there to help him with everything he need at a time like such, but what I am concerned is, till when you will be there for him. After all, you are just a help in this mansion." She stated with a crestfallen face. My heart stringed hundred folds when she said I am nothing but a help.

But then, she is not wrong at all. I am Nicco's wife legally but nobody knows about it. He so conveniently married me secretly and left me to my own sources like he did not meant it.

I still don't understand why he had to wed me and pretend he is nothing to me. What is he expecting from me?

"Ah yes. I'm sorry I overstepped." I apologized immediately, ignoring how her words hurt me. Nicco did raise his eyebrow at what his grandma said but did not even care to respond something. It was as if he did not care.

"It's not your fault, Phoebe. Don't apologize. At least through this incident, I learnt one important thing." She heaved. I and Nicco looked at her curiously, silently worrying if he had come to know about our wedding.

"You need to move on honey." She declared to Nicco, who nothing but raised his perfect eyebrow at her again. While I almost choked on my saliva, I am curious to know what she meant.

She can't be... meaning –

"What do you mean 'move on'?" He asked her cautiously.

"I mean, how many days months or years are you going to sulk around for a girl who doesn't love you and left you, honey. You need to move on and see that there are many fish in the water that are suitable to you and can make you loved and happy." She explained. My heart dropped at the notion of Nicco going for another woman.

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