Chapter 27

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Niccolo Point of View

"Nick, please stop. F**king stop acting like a foolish." I heard a familiar voice first pleading me and then yelling at me.

I'm too tired to open my eyes and look at the person speaking to me. My eyes feel heavy and so does my body. But do I care?


I don't care who is it and why he is speaking to me in such rude tone.

"Nick, Nick you need to get back into your senses." I heard the familiar voice say to me in urgency but why don't people understand that I am not interested.

I don't care what they say. Preachers can say whatever they like because they don't understand the pain I am in right now. He cannot understand me and my situation.

Gathering up final thread of my energy, I opened my eyes slowly and closed away when light hit sharp on my vision. Groaning, I again tried to open my eyes but the surroundings were just blurry. I can see my friend's figure but I couldn't see it clearly.

"She took them with her, Vald." I slurred in melancholy. "My Bella, she took all my senses away with her." I said trying look at his clear picture.

I stretched out my hand and felt a heavy bottle of magic liquid. Immediately I took a huge gulp from the bottle directly and groaned when the expected bitter taste didn't hit.

"Stop drinking, you f**king fool. You cannot just go about and drink like you are planning to kill yourself." I heard him scold me and pull the bottle from my hands.

Planning to kill myself?

Nah, I will not die before see my Bella for one last time. Though I'm dying every second internally, I will not let death approach me before I could see her beautiful smile for once more.

That was worth my death; looking at the beautiful smile and eyes brightened with love.

"She doesn't like it – when I drink too much. I'm w-waiting for my Bella to –" I coughed out feeling a restrained feeling in my throat. "- I am waiting for her to come, snatch away the alcohol and scold me for being careless." I smiled to myself when my beautiful Bella came to me with a scowl and looked at me like a mother who caught her son doing something mischievous.

I laughed looking at my Bella and laughed again to see her in jumpsuit she likes so much. "There – Vald, there she is, My Bella." I announced and stretched my hand to feel her touch and know that she is for real.

"Nick – " I heard him say but I cut him off with a loud grunt. "Ssh, stop talking or else she will leave." I reprimanded harshly before turning my head to my beautiful Bella and smiled at her affectionately.

"Bella, come here to me." I stretched both my arms to envelop her close to my chest and never let her go. "I knew you would come, Bella. Come to me please. I want to feel you." I hiccupped but still smiled at her furious looking face. Vald was shaking my shoulder speaking to me some gibberish but I can only hear the soft breathing of her.

"Vald was telling me that you went away from me and would never come back. Rick told me the same, Bella. But I told them that my Bella would come back to me because she loves me so much and she knows I love her a lot too." I grinned and tried to get the blurry vision clear. I want to look at my Bella clearly. I want to see her that she is here for me in blood and flesh.

My Bella...

"Nick, please –" I heard Vald choke his words but I don't care. Bella is in front of me, just meters away from me and I cannot waste my time on him. "She's not here, Nick. Goodness, what happened to you, my friend. What has gotten you like this?" He shook my shoulders again.

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