Chapter 41

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Clara Russo Point of View


Their hearts has been knotted together into a complicated relationship and situations. Neither of them can stay nor leave each other. They are bound to get heartbroken at whatever decision they take.

In eighty years of my life, I thought I had seen so much in the world and I had always taken pride in reading people and come up with good solutions. But I guess, even at this age and with so much experience, I still have a lot to learn about.

Till now my head and heart only considered my Niccolo's struggle and pain. Though I did understand Phoebe's reasons and hurt, I kept Niccolo's problems in a higher rack of priorities.

I did not understand why Phoebe had to think so much to get back with him when he is crazy for her and can protect her from everything. But I was wrong.

I was wrong in analyzing the whole situation. My first mistake was to think that accepting Phoebe in to the family is the best option. My next mistake was to think she will be happy and safe as long as she has Niccolo on her side.

How come I didn't see that she loved my grandson more than anything but she has a difficulty with loving herself?

This has taken another complicated turn!

This pale looking inconsolable girl is the one who need to accept us in return. I should've handled the whole matter in a different way. I should've been a neutral person than siding with Niccolo's feelings.

"Enough dear, breath. Calm down and breath." I consoled the broken girl by constantly patting her on her back. She looked so exhausted with everything and rightly to say, it is reasonable.

Niccolo continued to hug Phoebe and whisper soothing words to her while he, himself looks like he is suffering from the revelation the most.

Phoebe took a deep breath and wiped off her tears breaking away from the hug. "Tell me Mrs. Clara; what do you want me to do now?" She asked me in a low voice and it looks like she is gathering up the last of her energy to talk right now.

"What do you want me to? Do you want me to accept you and intensify the difficulties or do you want me to free you from here and allow you to just take off?" I asked back.

Frankly speaking, even I don't know what she is thinking right now. For the first time I am unable to read a person who is like an open book. I don't know if she wants to stay or leave. I don't know what she expects from her relationship with Niccolo.

Niccolo, on the other hand, has been eerily calm and quite the whole time. Surely he was affected by his lover's revelations and feeling guilty but he hasn't uttered a single word the whole time.

Phoebe slowly stood up with shaky legs and it took her two whole minutes to balance herself on her two feet. Stepping away from both of us, she looked at me with a face which held not emotion.

"This time I am not planning to leave him." She stated giving a sideway glance to Niccolo and me. She stayed quiet for a minute before gathering up energy to speak her next words. "I should've not left him in the first place, but still I don't regret my decision. Though this time, I want to stay."

Niccolo looked confused and surprised at the same time. He must've thought that she would leave him again given the chance and honestly, I thought the same too. This decision of staying was surprising to me as well.

"I am your grandson's wife, Mrs. Clara. Due to few circumstances we had to get married secretly and so, I cannot leave my husband now. But then, I cannot live a blind and a happy life with him right now as well." She expressed and turned towards Niccolo. She looked at me for an outburst or a response when she revealed the marriage secret so I just looked at her with knowingly, showing her that I know about it.

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