Ch 1.2

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The system which was previously in a cat form during his task became a fluffy rabbit after entering the space. It sat in its specially created nest and stared blankly at Shuu.

"Sure, but your chances of completing the missions are pretty slim. Only 10% at most since you can't speak or do anything"

Humming in reply, Shuu only lies comfortably on the seat and takes out encyclopedia of cat and dog breeds.

"I don't need to succeed, I just want to experience the life of a pet. Hopefully one loved like how I loved you"

Flipping through the book, he singles out some fluffy dogs and cats.

Ragdolls were a cute and fluffy cat but they were known to be lazy.

Maine Coon were also quite lazy and fluffy but they had a resting annoyed face.

Rough Collie were energetic and fluffy dog with boundless curiosity and affection.

And lastly the Samoyed who was also an energetic and fluffy dog full of curiosity and affection.

Taking extra glances at the Samoyed, he chose to be this breed of dog in the next world.

"Can I be a samoyed in the next world?"

"Meh, sure"

The system once told Shuu that out of all the hosts he got, he was the least annoying and even agreeable one of the batch. His hostility to his hosts was pretty apparent when in his first world, he was left with barely any information on what he was even supposed to do.

Shuu at first was wandering around aimlessly until a whole story entered his mind along with the tasks of that world, Shuu ended up forgetting the systems existence and played the leads of the world until they were killed by their own family.

After the first world, his system began looking at him with a new light. Since it was System 010, one of the first systems created by the system God and even last on the list, it was spoiled to the bone. It was gifted benefits that lower systems needed thousands of experience in order to get and even the other original systems was required to complete a few high level worlds.

Shuu was System 010's number 31st host, the other hosts were either deliberately obstructed by the system and ended up dead or was stupid enough in their own ideals and killed themselves in a horrible fashion. When the system showed how they perished, Shuu was left laughing for a long time.

Maybe it was their same sense of humor, maybe it was their general distaste in humanity but they got along really well. Shuu would raise the system if it ever chose to follow him in a world and even received bonus points which was almost never used.

Shuu just called System 010 System because he had no right to name this... omnipotent existence. In his original world, he did read some novels that were honestly quite hilarious and entertaining where the host would name the system but Shuu couldn't care less.

If the System had a name, he would use it. If the System didn't, then he would keep it like that. Not like the System asked him to name it or anything.

"So what world is next?"

"A modern one filled with two-faced liars, a white lotus with a protagonist halo causing endless destruction"

"So the tasks are going to be fun?"

"Yeah, though you might not even be able to complete 1% of the task."

"Come on, I would shame the title 100% Accuracy World Hopper if I can't even get 1% done"

"No one gave you that title"

System: Host... Please stop selling MengWhere stories live. Discover now