Ch 1.4

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"Meng Meng!"

A sudden outburst scared Snow back into his mortal body. Jumping in surprise, he accidently fell back onto the sleeping body behind him.


Hurriedly getting off, he nudges the furrowing man awake in order to deal with the invader.

"Get Out"

Replying sternly, Su Meng was 2 seconds away from directly throwing the offending person out the window.

"Meng Meng, I guess you liked my present more than I thought huh?"

"What's his name?"



Glaring coldly in return, he turns his phone on to see the time. Noticing how it was already 9 o'clock, he got up ready to prepare their food.

He Ran skipped to the baby-sized annoyed dog and extended his hand out ready to pat it when he quickly retracted it.


Snow just turned away watching Su Meng busy around in the kitchen.

He had to admit that his new owner was fairly handsome, ok seriously handsome. His moderate short black hair was pushed backwards showing his sharp features, even if he didn't smile, his baby white skin without a single blemish and sharp eyes were his default weapon in stealing people's hearts. His owners obsidian black eyes were currently focused on cooking creating a sense of melancholy.

Staring at this eye candy for a bit, Snow rolled off the couch and sat by the tableside waiting for him to finish.

"Awww, your even making my share Meng Meng!"

"It's Snows"


Not bothering to reply to the flippant person, he loaded the food into plates and placed one down on the table and one on the floor.

Happy to receive his meal for the night, Snow barked once then dug into his food.

"I feel hurt"

Grabbing his chest, He Ran started shedding imaginary tears for the unfair treatment.

"You've never cooked for me before!"


Ignoring him, Su Meng and Snow enjoy the delicious meal created by the closet chef Su Meng who was definitely capable of being a 5 star chef.

Once they finished their bonding time, Su Meng began chatting with He Ran though He Ran was doing most of the talking.

"Did you know? Out of all the energetic samoyed pups in the store, this is the only one who ignored me and gave me the stink eye"

Giving He Ran another stink eye, Snow nuzzled Su Meng's hand. They relocated to the sofa so Snow could join on the couch.

"So recently someone's been trying to disturb the stock market"

The mans flippant attitude did a 180 change, his voice was grave with coldness seeping into his eyes.

As they say, great minds think alike. To sit at the top you can only have like-minded friends.

Getting envious of Su Meng, Snow softly gnawed on the pillow to show his dissatisfaction.

"The man's name is Sheng Wan, he was the CEO of the GIV companies third son who won all the inheritance and began took over as CEO after ruining his two older brother and younger sister"

"Hey System"


"Do you think the male lead will try to challenge Su Mengs bottom line before he power ups?"

"70% chance he will do so in a week"

"Nice! Do you think I could take a bite out of him?"

"Remember the task"

"Okie Dokie, I'll bite both of them"


Ignoring their whole conversation about stock prices and new products, Snow began wondering when he can go on a walk. Expressing his boredom by chewing on the same pillow, he watches as they wrapped up their talk and focused back on the bored dog.

"I think it's bored"


Su Meng stood up from the couch and walked in front of a drawer and took out a blue collar and leash.

"Snow, I'll get you a new one soon"

Su Meng's quick response saved him from getting the cold shoulder for the day. A beautiful creature such as Snow wearing this classless plain blue collar? Unacceptable!

Standing at the door ready to go on his first walk, the owner and pet managed to completely forget the existence of the heartbroken He Ran.

The walk was honestly a new experience for Snow, seeing everything from below and smelling the different scents were both exciting and nerve racking.

When they arrived at the park, he could see other dogs playing the frisbee with kids. The dogs chased and retrieved it then returned it. The cycle repeated many times yet they still was having fun.


A menacing growl telling him to bugger off resounded from the dog they were walking past.

Arrogantly humph-ing back at him, he kept his head up high and gaudily walked past it.


The dog began barking madly and tried to pounce on Snow, its owner was careless and accidently released it allowing the big dog to attack at his will.

Startled by the sudden attack, Snow tried to dodge the incoming attack by running behind Su Meng.

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