Ch 1.3

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A gently touch on his head awoke the drowsy Shuu who was dreaming of killing the hypocritical Miyu by guillotine or death by a thousand cuts. Rubbing against the hand, he stretched his stiff limbs then stood up and watched what Su Meng was gonna do.

Su Meng changed from his original Dark Grey suit into a black T-shirt with long black jeans. He may have taken off the formal suit but he still looked like he could kill with his sharp gaze, the hand which was previously patting Shuu's fur extended to pat Shuu's fluffy body. Lying down closer in front of Su Meng, he wonders if he also suffers severe affection deficiency like he does, deciding that curing one more person won't hurt, he began selling meng with his body. The soft feathery touch after a few strokes began getting more relaxed, the previous wariness disappeared and he began patting in different motions.

After a while of patting, Shuu stood up to end their session as humans don't treasure what is easily gotten.

Jumping from the bed, Shuu trotted to the door and glanced back at Su Meng who was following behind him. He sat on the ground and stared up at Su Meng, he wished he could get the hint that he certainly was not asking for pats and wanted to eat something.

Maybe he got it, maybe he didn't. Shuu could only follow Su Meng as he began walking through the long halls of his mansion. They arrived at a large kitchen with a single chef preparing for breakfast.

"Mr Su"

Nodding in return, Su Meng sat on the chair. His gaze followed the dog as it sat in a temporarily arranged dog mat for it to eat its meal. When the chef put dog wet food in front of him, he stared for a solid two seconds then stood up and walked to Su Meng.

Staring with wet eyes, Shuu tried to garner sympathy and receive human food instead of dog food. Imagining him eating dog food nearly made him puke, he a gallant human eating such food was impossible! He'd rather starve himself to death.

Probably getting the hint, Su Meng called the chef to prepare a separate dish for his new 'young master' of the family. Satisfied, Shuu sat at his leg and gently nudged his head against Su Meng's hand indicating for him to pat him.

The soft fur hasn't been groomed properly so it got a little stuck, Su Meng made a mental note to personally brush it everyday.

When the food was placed in front of them, they began eating in silence, though one can't exactly talk, it felt like they were long time companions.

Taking out his phone, Su Meng called He Ran to 'thank him properly'.

Once all the threats and icy words were spoken, Su Meng held Shuu and placed him into the passenger seat, even buckling it up properly.

"Don't move"

Sitting obediently, Shuu watched as they drove further and further away from that mansion into a metropolis. Opening the door for Shuu, Shuu waited patiently for him to unbuckle him then joyfully skipped out of the car.


This man is seriously too cold, only replying with singular phrases and keeping his poker face to a cute and adorable puppy like me -_-.

When they finally arrived on their living floor, Shuu was eager to explore his new home. The elevator was honestly a little scary when he is a 4 inch high pup.

Sniffing everything in the suit, he cheerfully returns to his abandoned owner and nuzzles his leg.

The coffin face patted his head then lifted Shuu into his arms.


Taking the 'clean' looking pup, Su Meng can't wait to wash the dog of any dirtiness. Imagine where the dog has been before? Just imagine when was the last time he bathed if he had at all even. Yes he has severe mysophobia and only held the unclean dog in order to clean it properly.

One of his servants had brought over the necessities to take care of a dog, Su Meng wasn't sure if the dog was litter trained, If it wasn't then he was about to learn.

"Don't move"

Drenching the dog in warm water, Shuu experienced his first dog bath and he loved it. The gentle scrubbing and warm trickling water nearly made him fall asleep. When Su Meng was blow drying his fur, Shuu sat cozily in his chair.

His fur was already pretty white before but now that he was properly washed and groomed, his fur glistened in the sun shining in through the large windows.His black eyes were oozing laziness and affection as if he was made to be loved.

Barking in thanks, Shuu turned to Su Meng and nuzzled his stomach since that was the only place he could reach.

Target affection rose to 30%

Oh right, he had a task to complete. Feeling smug at gaining this coffin faces love, he tried to paw at him to indicate for him to come down a bit. When he didn't seem to get his obvious (not so obvious) hint, Shuu frowned in displeasure though it came out to him bowing his head.

When Su Meg finally bended down to his eyes level, Shuu only rubbed his head on Su Meng's neck. This was to tell him 'I'm cute and you have to love me' and 'I won't bite'.

After successfully selling Meng for the day, Shuu jumped to the floor and waited to see what he'll do.


Turning to see what he was pointing at, he sees a box full of shredded paper.

My litter box?

Nearly laughing out loud, Shuu walked over and sniffed the litter box before barking in reply. Satisfied with the dogs intelligence, Su Meng sat on his couch motioning for the dog to sit next to him.



Replying with happiness, Snow began nuzzling his body to show his satisfaction.

At least he didn't name me something like Princess.

Sitting quietly on the side, he watches as the business emperor types away on his laptop probably doing some work.

Lulled by the sound of keys clicking, Snow drifted into dreamland ready to sleep until dinner.

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