Extra: @InnocentYoungMaster

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University was just a pass time to a young master such as me.

My family was already within the top classes of the city and as long as I make connections, nothing could shake my position as a power giant. People may call me egotistical, but that was the truth.

Life in school 2.0 wasn't that bad, well when you had gossip everyday it wasn't.

"Hey, did you hear? Someone died in the dormitory the other day"

Ok scrap that, maybe school was more dangerous then it was supposed to be. Either way, gossip was like a plague spreading to every nook and cranny making its way to him.

Spying on his current gossip source, the young master took out his phone filming his target.

A man was watching his bird fly in the air unafraid of an escapade by said bird. Two other men, the notorious dog-food couple of the school was once again spreading treats across the ground bullying us lonely dogs.

"Ai! People in high places is indeed different from us mortals"

As they say, birds of a feather flock together, all three of them held more power then his puny family and every other puny family in the city combined could hold. The thought that the three was in the same spot in the same year was already awe inspiring in and having two of them literally being all lovey dovey was undoubtably trouble.

"You know, you shouldn't say everything out loud"

Screaming in totally NOT the most girly voice possible, the young master gripped his phone in a Godzilla hold and bolted but ran straight into the wall he was hiding behind.


Unceremoniously falling to the ground, the young master only felt his world spin.

"Wow, that was the least elegant fall I've ever seen"

Helping the young master up, Ru Ran did a quick check to make sure he didn't get a concussion. He was going to be a doctor so things like this must be practiced.

"I'm fine! Just... let me go. Please"

As much as he'd like to talk to this uni star, the glare from the vinegar pot was hurting his back.

"Just ignore him, he's always like this"

As if to emphasize his point, Ru Ran grabbed the young masters arm and pulled him towards the uni's bird obsessor Yu Meng.

"Meng Meng! Look at the little shy guy I found!"

Forcing the young master to sit beside them, Ru Ran continued his explanation of the grandest most magnificent plan he had for graduation.

"And then when everyone's drunk I'll record everything as blackmail! Imagine one day they look back at their uni days and be like 'I don't wish to think of my dark history', how nice would that be!"

Bai Mo Xuan only hugged him tighter showing off to the young master 'he is mine'. The young master was curious though, the three already had boundless futures being born into their families so why did they spend all the effort to come to university? Couldn't they just inherit their family business and live a life of leisure?

"You're mumbling again~~"

Covering his mouth, the young master was once again embarrassed enough to hurt himself. Bouncing up,he tried to run away but tripped over some grass and fell head first to the ground.

"Geez, I call you out and you try to concuss yourself each time"

Checking his head a second time, Ru Ran concluded that this man had a head made of steel. Two harsh blows yet not even a bump was formed, he had to admire this hard head!

Sitting back in his spot, the young master listened to Ru Ran's lecture.

"Life is not definite, things could go wrong and when it does, something like family inheritance or business might go down the drain"

Hugging his Xuan'er, Ru Ran continued his lecture.

"If one day you lose your business, lose the things you inherited, if you study hard and earn achievements on your own, you still have a way out"

Shifting a little, Ru Ran was now completely spooned by Xuan'er.

"Trying your hardest to earn what you deserve, when you grow old you could look back and think 'I've actually lived life meaningfully'. And one day if you have children, you can actually tell them stories"

Completely captured by Ru Ran's lecture, the young master made a promise.

From then on, he won't take uni unseriously, he will strive to do his best and earn his own power himself!

"Thank you senior! I'll try my best from now on!"

Bounding off in a turbo run, Ru Ran was left speechless.

"I... did I say anything special?"

"Yeah, you just created a second star for the future"

"Oh... I guess that's a good thing?"



In the end, the young master dropped his course and studied a different one. One that he enjoyed and would make an effort to become number 1 despite the hardships and countless nights of practicing to advance his skills.

"Ahhhh! The golden master is in this movie!"

"Ahhhh! He's definitely going too win the award this year again!"

The young master has become the golden master of the entertainment circle. The once lazy and uncaring youth was now a mature man able to be proud of his effort.

At his interview, when the interviewer asked him 'what inspired you to be a star?', he confidently said;

"Without the person who smacked me off my high horse, I wouldn't be here today. He today is like me, has made a name for himself helping thousands of children. I won't say his name but If you're watching this, thank you"

His happy smile shot the hearts of both loyal fans and complete bystanders.


"Aww thats so sweet"

Ru Ran sat on his couch cuddling with Xuan'er again, watching the live broadcast, he wondered who this person the golden master was talking about.

"Who do you think it is? I'm curious who can make someone like him change"

Glancing at Ru Ran's complete obliviousness, he hugged him closer and laughed into his neck.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me!"

Nonetheless, by the end of the session, Ru Ran and held down by his Xuan'er and eaten clean both inside and out.



Sneezing the most un-celebrity like possible, the young master felt a cold force weighing down on him.

"... He's definitely mad at me right now"

Hiding away in his family home for a few days, the young master made a note to not bring up Ru Ran again. He didn't want to offend that man any more then necessary!

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