Ch 2.6

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"Welcome righteous sects from all across the empire big and small! Today I, Grandmaster Yue will hereby announce the commencing of the Xiao Wu Conference!"

A regal middle age looking man stood proudly on the top rooms which peers down on the arenas where the duals will happen.

Every sect can select 10 members to fight, the first day would be where the top 16 strongest sects are chosen for the grandmasters to view as they continue to fight to determine who is the strongest sect for this conference.

Xi Meng and Wei Ran's new recruits were trained personally by the demonic leader and have shown great progress, of course since Xi Meng personally chose them they wouldn't exactly be ordinary.

"Fight amongst yourself, ten will join the conference and the rest will be cheering for the entire event."

Leaving the 15 youths to decide who will join the conference, Xi Meng sat in the shade feeding his little snake.

"So why did you wanna ruin the Xiao Wu Conference?"




Bored? Well he had lived for a few hundreds years alone...

Swallowing the pieces of meat presented to him, Snow asked the system how his little evil hatchlings are doing. While Xi Meng and Wei Ran was having the time of his life fooling the youths to join the fake sect, Snow had chosen ten other little talented children who definitely will listen to Snow because he's awesome!

Yeah, no. They listen to Snow because they treat him as their saviour giving them food and a reason to live in this cruel world, Snow was planning on sending them to take over the seats of grandmaster after inheriting all their teachers knowledge. Of course the previous grandmasters aren't allowed to live at the same time.

Snow's evil nature was seeping out and Xi Meng felt a chill on his back, continuously feeding the gluttonous snake, Xi Meng noticed that Snow seems to have lost some scales?

Sliding his fingers across the lithe figure, he found out parts of Snow's scales were missing, it felt seriously uncomfortable to look at.

"Snow, are you shedding?"

Turning to inspect his own body, Snow finally noticed his ugly figure and zoned out for two seconds before using his nightmare skill to teleport directly back to his den in the frozen abyss. In his den was a small demon side core that allows Snow to teleport next to it as long as the main core is still with him.

This is a disgrace!

Curling up in a dark corner, Snow interrogated the system for ways to fix his elegant and beautiful body.

"Your shedding your scales, just let it be"

"Aren't there any way to speeden it up? I look completely horrendous right now"

"Take a 'Rebirth flesh pill' after taking off all your scales, it'll grow back quickly but you'll be in pain"


Purchasing the pill, Snow steels his resolve and using the rock in his den completely tore off all his scales then swallowed the pill. He felt like magma was following his veins circulating across his entire body, the heat was torturous to the Snow snake making him thrash around the cave even scraping his frail head against the ceiling.

The pain lasted for a few hours completely draining Snow of all his energy, when the pain finally subsided, he tried to turn his head to look at his long body when he sees legs?

Blinking blankly for a solid minute, Snow groped his face with his nearly returned hands and sighed in relief.

Another mission done

Standing up with shaky legs, Snow walked to the entrance of his den and walked head first into a hard wall.


The impact didn't really hurt but more surprised him.



Trying to walk around Xi Meng, he failed miserably with himself being lifted up like a sack of potatoes and kidnapped from his cave.

"What are you doing?"


Xi Meng didn't even bother with the chariot this time and directly flew on his sword back to the demonic sect.


Urata directly pounced on the human Snow as a little spider, Snow instinctively refused to touch such an arachnid as a human and sent it flying back towards Wei Ran who was holding him earlier.

"Ahhh, you meanniiiiieeee"

Rubbing his head, Urata transformed into a human and pouted to the cruel snake who sent his best friend flying.


"So you have defeated your inner demon?"

Beast were similar to humans in a sense, they all have something they fear whether it was from birth or past experiences. For beasts to take on other creatures form, they had to overcome their inner demon and gain enlightenment.


Snow's inner demon was probably his appearance, to be disfigured with missing scales was the worst thing that could happen to him. By overcoming this hurdle, he managed to gain the 'enlightenment' and transform.

Yeah not exactly enlightened

Ignoring the curious spider, Snow went to search for food. His energy was completely depleted after taking the pill and he was famished.

Staring at Xi Meng with the usual gaze, he watched as Xi Meng sighed and instructed him to wait in the room.

Obediently listening, he returned to the room and was about to climb on the pillow when he remembered he was a human now.

"My pillow..."

The pillow was actually only the size of a laptop, when he was coiled on top he only took about half the space and now looking at the size in human eyes, he felt like he must've looked extremely cute.

"System, got any photos?"

The image that appeared in his mind made him seriously ponder how to extract more benefits from the guy who got to see his beautiful countenance for so long.

When the food arrived, Snow inhaled the food and relished the feeling of chewing before swallowing, as a snake all he could do was swallow everything so chewing was like a luxury to him.

Xi Meng was silently clipping pieces of vegetable into his bowl urging him to eat some greens.

Resolutely ignoring the healthy food, he continued devouring the meat until he was 75% full. They always say never to eat until your 100% full.

Satisfied, Snow tried to transform back into a snake but ended up... extremely... odd.

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