Ch 3.5

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Enjoying the deluxe treatment given to him because of the 'emperor's pet' title, Snow had fun exploring and creating trouble in the emperors palace.

The only time he got berated by Wu Cang was when he set the kitchen on fire by accident and nearly burned himself, he had to listen to his lectures for a whole hour before he was allowed to go to sleep.

I mean, who would try to lecture a cat?

Yeah, the emperor was a little weird.

His personal attendants, Riri and Yuyu were happily chatting underneath the usual tree he liked to sleep on. He was currently 6 months old and was ready to start his evil plans to complete his mission.

Secretly jumping over the wall, he cheerfully made his way to the concubines courtyard and sneaked into her room. Storming in angrily, she threw a vase against the wall in anger as she started yelling in annoyance.

"How dare she! If I find that vixen daring to seduce my ShaoShao then I will rip her to pieces!"

Angrily throwing a few more volatile stuff, her anger managed to calm a bit before calling her maid to clean up the place.

Snow was hiding underneath her bed waiting for night to come.

Laying in the corner, he tried to ignore the male scent floating in the air.

When night finally came, Snow sneaked out from underneath and prepared his claws.

Now, how should I disfigure her?

Contemplating his possible attack angles, he heard a meow echo in the quiet chamber.

"Quiet Milky"

Turning in her sleep, Shi Mao Lian tried to bat away Snow with closed eyes. Taking this chance, he quickly scratched her face from her left temple to her nose then from her mouth to her forehead.

Before she could yell out in pain, he clawed off parts of her hair then jumped off the bed and ran out the door.

One mission done

Dashing away, he quickly climbed the tree and jumped over the wall. Maybe due to his haste, he accidently fell in a bad angle and an acute pain flooded his senses.

Stifling his painful cry, he slowly trudged back to the emperors palace. Before he could walk a few steps, a shadow appeared and grabbed him before disappearing into the night.

"What a troublesome cat"

Holding Snow in his chest, Shadow Guard Fuo sighed in distress as he silently made his way to the emperors palace. He heard from the other shadow guards that the emperor was searching for his cat and didn't think he'd find it in Imperial concubine Shi's courtyard--- again.

Appearing in front of the emperor, he gently placed Snow onto the table then disappeared again.

Feeling quite in pain from the fall, he meowed softly and pitifully.


Holding the cat, he summoned for the imperial physician then sped walked back to his room.

His caress was noticeably more gentle than usual for fear of hurting the meowing cat.

"Your majesty"

Kneeling down, the Imperial physician yet again is degraded to treat a cat.

"Your majesty, the cat's right paw is slightly twisted. It should not use strength on it for a few weeks to prevent any permanent damage"

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